Glastonbury tickets

28 Sep 2005
Anyone got lucky so far?

Just managed to get mine online. It was ridiculous the official website and the tickets sales website went down before sales even started at 9pm. The phone line just has an engaged tone.

There were over 400,000 pre-registrations for 177,000 tickets, although only 137,500 are available to the public. So that means each person would in theory have a chance of going every 3 years.

Instead of having hundreds of thousands people all trying a ticket sale system at once, they could just use a ballot system for the 400,000 registrations and automatically allocate the tickets. If you take the collective time wasted trying to get tickets today it would be collosal. It took me a good two hours phoning and clicking refresh.

Any thoughts on this?
I hate the ballot idea, so many people I know registered but weren't that bothered about getting tickets. The poor sods clicking refresh for 2 hours deserve them for the effort they put in.

However...... WOoooYayyyy, I'm off to Glasto again this year. :D
Ollie's Gadgets said:
Anyone got lucky so far?

Just managed to get mine online. It was ridiculous the official website and the tickets sales website went down before sales even started at 9pm. The phone line just has an engaged tone.

What do you expect when you have x amount of people all trying to get their tickets at 9am? it was never going to be smooth.

Its not ridiculous one bit, frustrating yes. i think the system worked very well, if it wasn't they would never have shifted 137,000 tickets in just under 1 hour 45 mins.

Ollie's Gadgets said:
Instead of having hundreds of thousands people all trying a ticket sale system at once, they could just use a ballot system for the 400,000 registrations and automatically allocate the tickets....

No i believe a ballot system is pointless, the booking system works fine so no need to replace it.

Ollie's Gadgets said:
It took me a good two hours phoning and clicking refresh.

I think lots of people made this mistake. Actually revisiting the link was the proper way to get the booking page, not refreshing. No wonder you spent 2 hours lmao.

Lucky for me i was done and dusted by 9:18 and had my conformation through by 9:38. We then helped other people via msn and the phone to get their tickets lol.
CaSh_MoNeY said:
I think lots of people made this mistake. Actually revisiting the link was the proper way to get the booking page, not refreshing. No wonder you spent 2 hours lmao.

I mean refreshing the initial booking page ( not the busy server page, although I bet many did this. It still took me the best part of 1 and a half hours. In the end I did multiple tabs on firefox and it worked.

My confirmation email has not come through yet which is worrying me, although it did say it could take up to 24 hours.
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