Glen Etive Rainbow

30 Apr 2003
This is a shot from Thursdays trip to Glencoe.

This was one of those moments when I just happened to be in the right place at the right time. In the middle of a heavy rain shower, the sun crept out from behind some clouds behind me and for five magical minutes this rainbow was in the valley below. This was about the only usuable shot (without a lot of PP work to remove rainspots on my lens)

Unfortunately there was no gold at either end of it :rolleyes:

Glen Etive Rainbow

Thanks for the replies. As I said, the right place at the right time. I was more worried that I would make a mess of the shots and get nothing usable. As it was I had to jump out the car, take the shot, jump back in, clean the lens, jump back out etc.

To say I was pleased once I got home was an understatement ;)
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