Global Warming is out ? , Low Solar Activity is in!

8 Sep 2006
On Ocuk

The UK and continental Europe could be gripped by more frequent cold winters in the future as a result of low solar activity, say researchers.

But wait..

But they added that the phenomenon only affected a limited region and would not alter the overall global warming trend.

It's still warming up so don't panic global warming fanatics , you just know someone from the beeb had to mention global warming :p
HAHA global warming do people still use that term. Its called so many different things and different ways of explaining what the impact will be I have no idea.

Low Solar Activity or LSA does sound better to me so that will be my choice word to wind up the hippies that hug tree's while defending crazy "facts"

Get the weather right for more then a week first before your tell me that your global warming projection is 100% correct and that in 20 years all our cities will be under water and Waterworld will be real haha. Sorry I'm far to ranty this morning. Off to get me a sugar drink and wake up.
HAHA global warming do people still use that term. Its called so many different things and different ways of explaining what the impact will be I have no idea.

Low Solar Activity or LSA does sound better to me so that will be my choice word to wind up the hippies that hug tree's while defending crazy "facts"

Get the weather right for more then a week first before your tell me that your global warming projection is 100% correct and that in 20 years all our cities will be under water and Waterworld will be real haha. Sorry I'm far to ranty this morning. Off to get me a sugar drink and wake up.

Worms. They've escaped from the can. :eek:
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