Going rate for a small site design.

15 Sep 2009
As the title says, I need a web site, and I’m wondering about the current going rates?

I work as a freelance 3D designer and my current web presence if very poor if not non-existent. It’s something I really need to change.

Really I should do it myself, but I just don’t have the time to learn, and being a designer, I never like my own work, and would never be finished!

So the question is, a very basic site, 3 or 4 pages, one being a prortfolio and one a kind of work blog I can easily update, but it really has to look slick, given the nature of the work. What would that cost, just design and implementation, hosting I can sort?

I know this is a how long is a piece of string question, and I hate it when I get asked those, so a daily/hourly rate kind of thing works for me.

Now also please, I am NOT putting this out asking anyone to do it, so please don’t waste your time. I just wonder what sort of figure I should be looking at, before I start shopping for services.

Thanks for your time.
Wouldn't learning yourself end up be a useful skill in your workplace?

Oh, and no idea to how much these things actually cost, sorry.
I do 3D and spatial design, interiors/events/exhibitions etc, and while I'll happily knock out a large format graphic design when I have to I am not a graphic designer, and certainly not a web designer.

Whilst I could do it, as I wouldn't do as good a job.
Not all design is the same and eventually you end up specialising.
Standard going rate for a flat website varies. Some people charge per page, which can be anything between £25 and £150. Whereas the other way is to charge a flat fee which could be anything between £100 and £1000+.

For dynamic, such as cms sites, you could be looking around the £1000 mark, increasing with the level of interaction you want.

Many places offer free alternatives, such as wordpress or prosperous - worth checking out. If you have any questions, feel free to hit me up as I run my own web/graphic design company.
Standard going rate for a flat website varies. Some people charge per page, which can be anything between £25 and £150. Whereas the other way is to charge a flat fee which could be anything between £100 and £1000+.

For dynamic, such as cms sites, you could be looking around the £1000 mark, increasing with the level of interaction you want.

Many places offer free alternatives, such as wordpress or prosperous - worth checking out. If you have any questions, feel free to hit me up as I run my own web/graphic design company.

Would you say then that the key to being profitable is to get really really proficient and quick at coding, then perform each task as quickly as possible but still charge the same? I guess you can also copy paste vast amounts of code and CSS from other projects ;).
As you get more and more business, you find that the majority of the sites are pretty similar so you can use templates, code you have accumulated or any cms packages that you use/developed. The speed of the coding doesn't really effect anything, well once you have a decent process sorted out.
For a completely fresh theme running on Wordpress I charge around £200-300. I don't agree with using templates and stuff really, I do every design from scratch, from wireframe upwards.
For a completely fresh theme running on Wordpress I charge around £200-300. I don't agree with using templates and stuff really, I do every design from scratch, from wireframe upwards.


That is dirt cheap. How many hours work do you put in to these sites?
For a completely fresh theme running on Wordpress I charge around £200-300. I don't agree with using templates and stuff really, I do every design from scratch, from wireframe upwards.

Doesn't that harm your business whilst often providing no tangible benefit to the customer? Value surely lies in achieving the required result for the least possible cost. It's admirable, but is is sensible?
What I'm looking for is the design of the site, as long as it looks slick to the customer the back end can be a template or a re hash, no one looking to buy my services is going to look at the code,

I want to put my money into the aesthetic, I'm happy to pay for good design, I'm less keen to pay someone to practice their programing skills, when they can re-use a perfectly good template.

I'm too close to the creative on this to make a call that's why it's the kind of job I'd look to put out, I'm sure I could learn to use dreamweaver or even knock up something on one of pay to create sites, but it's the content that I want someone else to look at.

It's also the kind of job where I need to talk face to face with an agency, so I really was just looking to get a feel for the sort of price I would expect to pay, and for that you have been really helpful so thank you all very much.
Interesting thread. I charge for my services by the hour. £35, and I only charge for time actually spent on the actual site (not for research, consultations etc). I mainly do pretty basic Wordpress sites which usally average around 5 hours work or so. Usually equates to about £300-£400 per site. However I have a BIG problem with customers that keep wanting changes. I must be more firmer or work out a process!
Interesting thread. I charge for my services by the hour. £35, and I only charge for time actually spent on the actual site (not for research, consultations etc). I mainly do pretty basic Wordpress sites which usally average around 5 hours work or so. Usually equates to about £300-£400 per site. However I have a BIG problem with customers that keep wanting changes. I must be more firmer or work out a process!

If you're charging by the hour, who cares? Surely as long as they understand that any amendments are chargeable then it's just more business for you?
However I have a BIG problem with customers that keep wanting changes. I must be more firmer or work out a process!

Always have a requirements document signed off by the client before starting the work. If anything changes, assess the impact on your time, resources and charges and amend the price accordingly. Anything else is a bucket of hurt.
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