Going to a Christening.



18 Oct 2002

I'm going to a Christening of a 1 year baby girl on sunday, it's my bosses daughter.

My boss I would also regard as a friend.

Just wondering because I've never really been to an event like this - Whether or not I take a gift for the baby?

And also what you guys think I should buy her?

Take nothing but a bible... if/when the priest lifts the child shout like a maniac "SHE IS THE DEVIL CHILD!" while waving your bible.

I give you less than 20 seconds before you are rugby tackled to the ground.

On a serious note generally speaking I think a card of some description will do.

jpmonkey69 said:

Even now boxes are good!

When I get my 42" HD TV, I'll watch it from inside the box. :D

Surely it's a LCD or Plasma screen? the box should be far to thin for a normal human to sit in! ..unless your a midget....I bet you are!
Depends how close you are I suppose. The only christening I've been to I was the godparent.

I'd get something simple like a book or a soft toy. If you get a book you can hand it over with the card :)

If it is a book, get something like one that allows measurements of feet, and pictures of the kid and things like that. I have one of them for me somewhere.
Ive got a baby time capsule I am saving for one of my friends... its a tin with photo albums, photo frames, timeline stickers etc and a space on the front to write the babies name, DOB and other such info. If you can find one (Ive had mine for ages) that will make a lovely gift :)
Generally the Christenings I've been too (whilst not necessarily agreeing with) I've always purchased either a bangle or got a small glass engraved with their name, birthdate and date of the Christening. However, it's not essential you buy a present. A card will suffice.

I like SexyBetty's idea!
Chunky said:
Toys would be the best thing though

Yes but everyone thinks that... they will be inundated with them!

Try and be original, maybe a china dish or a rose bowl or something? Or even some money to go into a trust fund? :)

Insert baby's name
If you aren't direct family, then I'd probably go for something that can be duplicated, like a toy or even just clothes. Anything very personal will almost certainly have been bought by a grandparent or aunt/uncle.
SexyBetty said:
Ive got a baby time capsule I am saving for one of my friends... its a tin with photo albums, photo frames, timeline stickers etc and a space on the front to write the babies name, DOB and other such info. If you can find one (Ive had mine for ages) that will make a lovely gift :)

They are lovely i brought one when my son was born
http://www.treasures-of-time.co.uk/acatalog/Basic_Products.html (not the exact one i brought but very similar)

Try this website they have some lovely things


Good Luck x
Bracco said:
If you aren't direct family, then I'd probably go for something that can be duplicated, like a toy or even just clothes. Anything very personal will almost certainly have been bought by a grandparent or aunt/uncle.
Agreed. I wouldn't get anything particularly personal unless I was close to the direct family of the kid.
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