I have heard it said many times here on the forums 'I went to see it thinking it would be really bad', 'I was expecting an extremely bad movie' etc. So how come you guys go and see them? Personally if I think a film is going to be bad I definitely won't go and see it in the cinema, it probably won't even get a rental. As it happens this works for me, I have yet to see a film I thought would be bad actually be any good. If it does get a watch it's normally becuase I am doing something else and it's on the TV in the background or a friend has really wanted to see it so have sat through the DVD. If I hear good reviews or someone I know who has good opinions on films lets me know it's worth a watch I will give it a go (although many a time this has been a mistake
The cinema isn't exactly cheap these days and I just wondered why would people waste that amount of cash, (not to mention their time) on a film they think is going to be bad? I don't know maybe you all have enough money to go and see how it starts and walk out if you think it's crap

The cinema isn't exactly cheap these days and I just wondered why would people waste that amount of cash, (not to mention their time) on a film they think is going to be bad? I don't know maybe you all have enough money to go and see how it starts and walk out if you think it's crap