Going to Spain. Can I upload photos to my NTL webspace?

16 May 2004
As title. I am jetting off in a weeks time and taking my digital camera with me. If I find an internet cafe type place can I log into my NTL webspace to upload my photos? Providing the PC`s there have an upload feature on them..

Advice welcome.:)
Section8 said:
yeah will need access to ftp client, and the cafe will have to allow outgoing connections for this

Yeah sorry I do know I need an FTP client, what I should have said was. Do I have to be on NTL to use it to access my webspace or can I do it on anyother ISP?

My mate said he was limited to uploading on his BT websapce by only using the BT ISP.
NTL only have 55MB of space so with a couple of high res photos it will fill up fast. You could pay for a service with photobucket, or get your self some webspace and then put the php uploading page on it and it will allow you to upload your photos you will be limited by how much space your web host will give you. I recommend TSOHOST then after the first month if you don't need the webspace you can cancel it.

Using the php uploader means you can just go to yourdomain.com and the page will be there and you browse for the file and upload.

And for your other question you can access your NTL webspace off any ISP.
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