Yep, somewhere in the BIOS (Power Management, or the obvious section) is an option along the lines of "Restore Power on AC Loss" with options Off, On, and Last State.
Off - machine will remain off after a power cut (and power returns)
On - machine will turn back on as soon as power returns
Last state - if machine was off when the power cut, it will stay off; if it was on, it will power up when power returns
So, you're connected to a UPS (right?). Presumably, you're using UPS software (or native battery handling) to shut down the machine. In that case, set the option to "On" and, even if the machine is gracefully shut down (as opposed to just losing power), it should come back when the UPS returns power to its outlets (when, or some time after, mains power returns).
Windows 7 built in management, it will hibernate at 10% battery left.
What happens when 10% limit is hit, then machine shuts down and the power is restored before the UPS is depleted, the UPS will still be supplying power the whole time so it won't wake up will it?
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