Hi all,
after a bit of browsing i must say this site looks what im looking for!!
Ive always been too busy to get into a PC hobby, but now im living with my missus and i have my dream PC on the way it looks like its gonna be a great xmas
I am in the process of building my own rig, soley for Microsofts Flight Sim.
Ive got my i7 920 OC'd to 3.80ghz, and when OCUK finally replenish there stock of GTX460 1gb im going to buy my GPU from these guys.
I hope to be able to use these forums and all your know how to answer any questions i might have when i get my case and start building!!
cant wait..... here to you all!! (raise a glass of becks)
after a bit of browsing i must say this site looks what im looking for!!
Ive always been too busy to get into a PC hobby, but now im living with my missus and i have my dream PC on the way it looks like its gonna be a great xmas

I am in the process of building my own rig, soley for Microsofts Flight Sim.
Ive got my i7 920 OC'd to 3.80ghz, and when OCUK finally replenish there stock of GTX460 1gb im going to buy my GPU from these guys.
I hope to be able to use these forums and all your know how to answer any questions i might have when i get my case and start building!!
cant wait..... here to you all!! (raise a glass of becks)