Google 'owns' the medical history of 50 million Americans

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Well he’s not selling off “the NHS” to the Americans. Various companies (including Google) already make use of NHS data - for example google deep mind. They’re doing some pretty cool things tbh...
Wait, selling the ideal.of the NHS to any country is a good thing for the world. What are you on about regarding that statement?
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I am quite sure that this will not be permitted when Bonker Boris sells the NHS off to the Americans ;)

Private companies are sharing personal information about people like it's a commodity and most of you agreed to it in those T&C's you never bothered to read, so suck it up... the government is too busy failing to carry out Brexit to protect people from corporate overreach. Likewise, in the US you've got a bunch unhinged people trying to throw the democratically elected president out of office with whatever conspiracy theory they can make stick via the corporate media. Russia Russia Russia should be corporation corporation corporation.
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If the americans own it, then so do the chinese... Might explain my targetted aliexpress emails for haemorroid creams and intimate trimmers
Currently peoples Medical history is spread across a few platforms making slow and difficult to view everything needed, so what Google has been requested to do by Ascension is combine all those different systems into a single massive database to make it easier and quicker to access peoples full medical history. Only because it's Google, who have a terrible history over Personal History Privacy stuff, instead of being seen as a good idea which could help people get better, faster care, it's viewed (rightly IMHO) with a lot of suspicion!
It's a tricky as China is making progress now in medical research and one of the reasons why is that they have full access to all their citizens data, while the EU is tightly regulated and the US sits in the middle. The US has historically been at the top of the chain for medical research / pharmaceuticals and if China threatens that then maybe they are prepared to forfeit some "freedoms" to stay there.
Currently peoples Medical history is spread across a few platforms making slow and difficult to view everything needed, so what Google has been requested to do by Ascension is combine all those different systems into a single massive database to make it easier and quicker to access peoples full medical history. Only because it's Google, who have a terrible history over Personal History Privacy stuff, instead of being seen as a good idea which could help people get better, faster care, it's viewed (rightly IMHO) with a lot of suspicion!

I have access to around 25 medical records programs and that's just in one Trust and virtually every Trust has different programs.
Good luck with combining them.
Presumably this is why they've outsourced the problem to Google.

My understanding is that it is two-fold, 1st for Google to create a single DB and then 2nd for them to leverage their AI to compile info from that single DB into helping doctors make quicker diagnosis. All of which sound nice and beneficial, even when Google are renowned for their atrocious Privacy failures.
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