I must say, almost 3 weeks ago I completely changed my diet.
I used to eat junk food, never had breakfast, would tend to have 2 meals a day combined with snacking on crap, though i would never put weight on
now I have cut out all the crap and processed stuff and now eat loads of pasta, carbs seems to be workin for me, this combined with chicken etc, and eating more small meals throughout the day
im 5ft 10 and ive went from 9st 12 to 10st 5
i used to think that diet wasnt that important when lifting weights, but i must say i feel so much better eating good food all the time, and im finally putting on some beef
Can you guys rate my routine, i made it of exercises i prefer
3x 8 Flat benchpress
3x 8 Incline benchpress
3x 8 Decline benchpress
3x 8 Tricep extensions
Press ups
3x 8 curls
3x 8 hammer curls
3x 8 lying row
3x 8 bent over row
3x 8 shrugs
3x 8 military press
Chin ups
3x 8 deadlifts
3x 8 front squats
3x 8 lunges
3x 8 calf raises
Variety of ab exercises
All with about 1-2 min rest between sets, for the first set i aim to struggle on the 8th rep, the other 2 sets i never usually reach 8 again, im going down the low reps at high intensity route
my goals are put on some muscle, and increase my strength