Got a lock on your phone and have BlueTooth handsfree?

28 Sep 2008
What the hell bro!?

So, I have a pin on my phone, you know, in case it gets stolen, etc. I've only recently done this as it's a work phone and their policy now states that it needs a lock. In fact, the lock itself is pushed out via a policy.

Anyway, to my point. I have bluetooth handsfree in the E60. I couldn't work out why, when I said someones name, it would just sit there and not dial eventually disconnecting.

Surely there is a way for the car to make the call regardless of the phone lock.

Incoming calls are fine obv.

Anyone experienced this or know of a workaround?
Surely there is a way for the car to make the call regardless of the phone lock. If you did that, the lock would be pointless as anyone could do it?
Well, the lock would be pointless within the car, yes. But think about it this way.

If the phone was stolen, they wouldn't be able to pair it to another BT device unless they could unlock the phone to set it up.

Whilst I'm in the car, it doesn't matter if the lock is on or not, but it autolocks after 1 minute
I can use my parrot to dial out through my iPhone when its password locked - pretty sure the same thing works with my blackberry bold... Seems a little silly as you say.
Oh, that probably explains it then ;)

Both my BlackBerry and iPhone have a PIN set up on them and I can make calls when they are locked and connected to my car kit.
Mine autolocks and pairs as a headset/voice dialling fine.

Do you have a trusted/password protected pairing? I figure so or it would never work in the first place.

Mines WinMo 6.5 though, perhaps try xda-developers or one of the other big mobile forums?
The only thing I can think is that this lock has been applied since the car pairing. I wonder if I removed the pair and repaired now, if it would realise?
Check your phones connectivity options. Would have thought there'd be an option to allow handsfree devices to bypass the lock or something.
I know dads Blackberry does it fine with his LCI E60 (he just picks it up off his desk locked and keeps it in his pocket), so I'd be looking for a relevant setting on the phone..
should be entirely possible - as has been stated my bberry and ipghone both pair with my Alfa locked or not.

Deffo re-pair, would be the first thing i'd try. Maybe the company blocked this functioanlity too to minimise their drivers using phones? Kit or none, its still an offence and in breach of most companies' policies (we all do it though, i know).
should be entirely possible - as has been stated my bberry and ipghone both pair with my Alfa locked or not.

Deffo re-pair, would be the first thing i'd try. Maybe the company blocked this functioanlity too to minimise their drivers using phones? Kit or none, its still an offence and in breach of most companies' policies (we all do it though, i know).

Eh? It's not an offence. Its a bluetooth prep kit. Standard BMW in car Bluetooth.

I'll try the re-pair first and we'll go from there.

Firmware is bang up to date
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