Got offer of college place

18 May 2004
Lincoln, Uk
after leaving 6th form, I had hoped to get an apprenticeship to train as a sparky, unfortunatly it just didn't happen (I've posted here about my frustration before) a few months back I realised that while my local college was only involved with courses that fit around the modern apprenticeship, that other colleges did the C&G 2330 (electrical installation) in its own right, I'd still have to obtain on site experience, but that shouldn't be a problem if I offer to work for free or peanuts (much less of a commitment needed on a companies POV than taking on an apprentice for four years...), anyway I applied to newark and sheffield colleges (sheffield being my first choice because it was one year, at 4 days a week instead of 2 days a week for 2 years), had an interview and assesment at newark on monday, just got a letter this morning offering me a place on the course starting sept 06 :) so I'm pleased about that.

Want to get a weekend job to give me some money to play with while I'm on the course (I'm unemployed at the moment, it was always the case of 'an apprenticeship is going to come up any minute so I'm not going to try too hard to find a job to fill the gap') I'd probably best really try to find a weekend job asap and see if I can put extra shifts in until september, this 'unintended do **** all, gap year thingymobobble' had dragged on too long :o, btw, anyone got any smart ideas of the types of places (other than shops, which I've thought of myself :p ) that employ part time weekend staff (or evening I suppose), though I don't really think I could do bar work

I'm just glad that my life is looking like its gaining some direction :)
Bar work is the best work, you can make some real good friends there and you get to see all the honies coming and going all night and get to chat them up.

However it doesnt go hand in hand with concentration as late nights will take their toll on your college course.

For the best money/work ratio get a job in a call centre for someone like direct line or william hill, one of the big companies. they pay well, the work is easy (if a little dull) and you can get overtime which normally pays double.
Too be honest, the main reason I couldn't do bar work, and I expect its to do with me being slighly autistic, but a crowded bar, loud music playing, an unordered rabble of people at the bar, trying to serve the right people in the right order, trying to understand what they are saying over the noise in a slured voice, trying to make myself heard over the same noise, I just don't think I'd have much of a hope of doing that tbh, or at least it would take me a long while to get the hang of it (just like it took my quite a bit longer than normal to learn to drive) :o
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