Most graduate jobs require a kind of lengthy application and multiple interview procedure. The applications are timed to coincide with students leaving uni (i.e. around this time of year) and you would start work in september-ish for most of them, though I think most big places tend to run 2 sets of applications... one earlier in the year (say after Christmas) and one for september starting (now).
I take it you are talking about IT graduate jobs? If so, and you think it's the right thing for you then I'd advise you to go for it and try and secure one whilst you are fresh out of uni. Some places might accept you and give you a gap year before you start (for travelling and stuff if that's your thing). You can always re-apply for the next load of jobs although you'll have to wait 6-12 months.
I graduated last summer and I didn't want to do any graduate training scheme thingy at all - it just didn't appeal (although the money is really good for starting salary). I took a large break after graduating - just dossing about really doing sod all - it was great

However, trying to find a job 'the hard way' is indeed difficult - nobody wants you if you have no experience, but how do you get the experience in the first place??

. This is where graduate jobs have a big advantage - you don't need, nor are expected to have, any experience. I only started my job in March and I was looking since November.
Anyway hope this info helps, and good luck