Grainger Games @GMA awards

Can't type for toffee
14 Jun 2004
Newcastle U/T
Had a quick search and couldn't find anything.

Just heard about this yesterday on the radio and decided to have a read up on it.

From what I've read it seems they decided to send the cream of the crop of their bong eyed, knuckle dragging, chin dribbling staff I so fondly remember, I remember these guys when they were just starting up in the grainger market, selling games before release date, to underage kids for vastly inflated prices lol

They used to be the bottom rung choice "up north" as so many of the reports call them. That was before Gamestation appeared and initially took that rung over lol.

For what seems to be classed by those involved as such an important event, indeed supporting and celebrating those that may often be skipped over.

Just wondering what others think of this, yeah they're from newcastle and liek anyone will enojy a night out, surely this was the completely wrong time/place and sounds tacky as hell from what I've read.

Will they bring back their name or was that night pretty much a one night suicide?
I know of Grainger Games since I'm from that neck of the woods but i have no clue what the GMA awards are.
I thought it was a tiny bit funny. Turning up in a bright orange humvee/limosine, complete with scantily clad women and midgets haha, throwing condoms around and also slow clapping and jeering the winners. Also doing drugs in the toilets, though who in their right mind does drugs at a games award ceremony?
They did issue a sorry statement.
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