Group B rally cars...

19 Oct 2002
2 of my favourite Group B rally cars on the Granite City Rally at the weekend

Can't beat them!

Metro 6R4

Audi Quattro

D200 and Sigma 100-300mm f/4:)
Throw back to the 80's :D

Comment - Without the dust in the 2nd photo and the car looks liked it's parked up. Use a slower shutter speed to blur the wheels and/or panning to blur the background.
Great images, and a real trip down memory lane! I remember standing in the rain at somewhere like Chatsworth waiting for these beasties to turn up. The sound of the quattro in particular was heavenly...

[pedant mode] I'm glad Jonny no2 spelt quattro right reddeathdrinker, as it's always been quattro with a small q, NOT Quattro - I'll let you off this time!! ;) [/pedant mode off]
Nice pics, nice cars, too. I well remember the stir they caused back in the day.

As for the pics, try squatting down a foot or two when taking the pic and go for a tighter crop with a lower shutter speed.
Try flash on 2nd curtain, too.
the dash looks like a mock up of the space shuttle! I know there are a lot of paramaters that you can change on arally car but always makes me ponder when i see them
Top photo is great but I feel could use a tighter crop, the people in the top left are distracting - if you cropped it closer to the car it would look immense.

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