GTA:IV (SA conversion) mod IV:SA (beta is out full sa map to play in)

24 Oct 2005
North East

Found a mod that lets people play the SA map from GTA:SA in GTA:IV engine.

It is in beta. Haven't tried it myself yet but seen vids and looks kinda cool. As its beta dont expect perfect results but the map looks nice to sandbox in using the engine of gta:iv for now.


Beta 2 scheduled for early 2012.

Downloading beta now which is a torrent at about 1.11gb

Patch is located here:
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Thanks! loved the GTA SA world so much variety, 4 was a step back for me, far too 'samey'.
downloading now, and will keep my eyes on this one in the future.
Took awhile to install and its not bad but think it would have been nicer if icehancer worked but for me it doesnt because if i leave the dx9 file in root directory it crashes during start up just after a first bit of credits.

Trainer is fun tho its very stretched for some reason. f3 or 4 to open it and numpad to navigate it with 5 being select and 0 being back buttons. Theirs about a dozen SA cars you can spawn a bunch of skins to mess about with and you can spawn peds cars all sorts. Not sure how to spawn planes yet but i know its possible and to spawn gta4 cars but duno how yet.

Them vids above must have ENB mod on as well as some sort of high res texture pack on or somit.

What id really like is to try the nrg bikes out as i loved em in especially for stunts and using them to get on buildings or other places up high.

Edit - Fixed ENB needed the dx9 file from enb sora version from enb site as the icehancer one doesnt work i.e crashes the game during loading. So enb works now. Quite nice too especially during night with lightening and rain on just very atmospheric when driving in a comet on the country roads. Defo worth trying the mod even tho install is a bit long due to it copying ur install so you dont mess up the original install of your game. Oh and it WILL remove save games but it will during install of the mod ask you to back them up. It removes the ones in my doc/rockstar and the ones in user/name/appdata/local/rockstar
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Yeah no need for the mod well kinda if you wana muck about in sa and spawn cars and do anything u want sandbox style untill gta 5 is out i guess.
The mod is map from gta:sa in gta:iv, later it would have had peds and traffic i think in next beta. Still fun with the trainer to spawn cars, choppers, planes i think, peds to follow or attack you and teleport and all sorts.
what trainer is this that you are using?
it installed fine, and runs fine, textures are awful though, would be nice to find a decent high resolution texture pack for it, all in time i suppose, good start though, when i find that trainer thing it should prove to be a good laugh.
yep all patched up and good to go, mine running off EFLC.

to add to that cant change any graphics settings, i have the lauch setting fix for the standard game and can change them there but even if i put the launch options into this i cant change any settings, dosnt recognise that much VRAM, reports it as very low.
Ah the trainer i think is for gta IV not EFLC per say. Also dont forget to grab the beta patch 1 from their official forums. which has patch for eflc in as well as normal game 1.4 and 1.7 versions.

Patch -

Also a forum post which may or may not be useful about trainers. -

Not sure if it will help but make sure to have a file in your EFLC folder where the main directory is called commandline.txt and in that have it as shown below:

-percentvidmem 100

Then save and you should get a lot more performance from the game.
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typical, i'll just uninstall the SA mod and EFLC and start again from vanilla GTA 4, will save any confusion. but thats a job for tomorrow evening:)
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