Guess The Movie / Memorable Quotes

BigToe said:
"There's a big machine in the sky... some kind of... mechanical snake!"

*Electric snake.

If you're gonna quote Fear and Loathing, quote it correctly ;)

Shoot it!

Not yet...I want to study it's habits...

penski said:
*Electric snake.

If you're gonna quote Fear and Loathing, quote it correctly ;)

Shoot it!

Not yet...I want to study it's habits...


Damnit, you're right!

I would have typed "We can't stop here - this is BAT COUNTRY!" but I think it would have been a little too obvious.
deleted said:
"be careful Preston, your treading on my dreams" something close to that anyway :eek:



Have a few more:

A - Schnickedy schnick!

A - We had the cure to the plague of the 21st century...And now we've lost it.

A - I said GODDAMN! What a rush....

A - Catch you on the flipside...

A - Before we go any further, all right, we have to swear to God, Allah, that nobody knows about this but us, all right? No family members, no girlfriends, nobody.
B - Of course.
C - Agreed,
D - [from the next apartment through the wall] - Don't worry, man. I won't tell anyone either.
C - Who the **** is that?
A - Uh, don't worry about him. He's cool.

A - Schnickedy schnick!

A - I said GODDAMN! What a rush....
Pulp Fiction?

A - Catch you on the flipside...
The Boondock Saints
Nelson said:
Is it Medicine Man, Sean Connery in the rain forest with the ants...?

Hell, yes. That line has formed the sole basis of my Sean Connery impression since I was eight.

Oi fahrnd thur kyoower fur ther playg orfur twurntyurf schentahry...ahnd now oihv lohsht it.

(mis-quote removed ;))

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