Guitar Amp Suggestions/Advice?

10 Sep 2008
Bangor, Northern Ireland
Hey guys, before i hit the buy button on a VOX VT20+, does anyone have any opinions on other amps around the same price range? It's £130 for the VOX, and ideally £130 is the maximum budget but if there is a supremely better amp for more ill strongly consider it.

Ive only started playing guitar about a month ago, an until now have been using a friends old Laney 30watt which does the job but to be honest sounds pretty awful on the dirty channel and doesnt have any built in features which would be nice.

Id like to play a wide variety of styles from blues and jazz up to rock and metal, so i feel thats where the modelling features of the VOX would come in very handy.

Any advice or suggestion would be great :cool:
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