Guitar: Bigsby B5 with Fender Logo - whats it made out of?

4 Jan 2004
Hey, not sure if this is the right place to post as its a bit of a strange Q but it is guitar related so would probs get the best response in here.

I've jsut bought one of these to go on my telecaster project i have going but I want to dull it and make it look older so it matches the rest of the guitar.

I've found a few sort of "home remedies" on how to dull all sorts from aluminium, to steel etc but before i try any of them i need to know what the bigsby is actually made out of so i dont mess it up. I have had a read round the box and all i could find is that it was sand cast but i may have missed something on it? (can't check it again cos im at work at the min)

from searchin on the net ive seen a cuople of website suggest the frame is aluminium and the handle is steel

any ideas?

also heres a pic for anyone thats interested :)
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is it not just chrome plated ?

if it is i cant see the material thats underneath the chrome plate making any difference to what you choose to do to it.
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