Ha!! New build - **** up & couple of Q's

11 Dec 2006
Right then....ordered my kit yesterday in a bit of a fluster after a morning full of moidering kids.....(roll on Sept :rolleyes: )

9am - Delivery guy is knocking the door with it all (nice job OC!!)....

Unpack all the crisp and clean new parts like a kid in a sweet shop and have a scan over some of the manuals, then time to get crackin'.

Very slowly and methodically, I start to lay things on the table and assemble everything, just as I was told in the 1000's of online reviews etc when....disaster..... I realised I haven't ordered a bloody hard drive :eek:

I'd chopped and changed the order so much over the last week, I'd forgotten to put the thing back on the list - and as I said, the kids had been pestering me to death - that's my excuse anyway :D

I'm going all modern now and ditching my old EIDE drives and going SATA. I've just been on the phone and ordered a Samsung Spinpoint 500gb to go with my Samsung SH-S203BEBN sata burner (that I HAD remembered to order! ;) )

My first question is regarding the sata connectors on the mobo (Giga P35C DS3R). There are three pairs of yellow connectors and one pair of purple connectors. From what I can make out from the manual, the yellow ones support 3gb/sec and the purple supports 3gb/sec but also supports 3.5gb/sec. Is my new hdd to go on the purple when it gets here, hopefully tomorrow? It states it's sata2 - is this the faster 3.5gb/sec?

My second question is the burner...I went to plug in the audio cable to connect to the CD-in on the mobo, but there's nothing for there - just the socket for the power from the PSU next to the data socket for the sata cable to the mobo. Does this mean that the sound goes via the data cable too?

Thanks for any help....(and stop laughing now plz :p )
3GB/s in the SATA two speed limit, I'm sure both cables do that. Use purple for the DVD, and yellow for the HD, just so you know what goes where!

Audio goes over the data cable, no worries. Hope your build goes okay.
Thanks for clearing that up melbourne720 ;)

Got a Antec Sonata 3 to put it all in....must say I'm impressed with the quality of this compared to my last case...sposed to be quiet too - though I wont know that till tomorrow now will? :rolleyes: :D
First off -aplogies for not posting the pics in-line - for some reason my profile isn't allowing me to??

For those interested in the Sonata 3 - here's some piccies to go with my build.

Here's the cooler in situ - an Arctic Freezer Pro 7 - a doddle to put in, even for a relative novice like myself.... Was a bit sceptical about how much/how little thermal paste to apply but using this eliminated any worry - twas pre-applied by the manufacturer in the form of a thermal pad! Judging by the reviews I've read on it - it performs very capably too.....

This caused me a bit of a headache....as someone said on here on another post - the manuals seem to written for people who already know how to attach all the wires from the front led connectors....I'm not 100% sure they're right now - Ill find out when I power it all up!

Here's my (empty) hard drive caddy(s).....

Here's the tower with the hinged front section open revealing the single sata burner...

....and here with it closed!


Here's the front connectors, 2X USB, eSata, power led's, plus audio connectors!

Here's the view from the back....the top blanking plate has been removed to let the fan control out so I can adjust the speed if need be without opening everything up.....just need to cut a piece outta the blanking plate to allow the wire to feed out and I can replace the plate to make it a bit tidier....

This is how it's looking at the mo with the side off.....waiting for the blooming HDD I forgot to order....(worra wally :rolleyes: )

As for clocking the daylights out of it....I'll just be glad if it all starts up OK!

If it is does though.....watch this space....you all might be needed :D

My samsung hdd came this morn.....put it in pc booted up - nothing there in bios!

Turns out to be an RMA jobby :( ....twas clicking and ticking like a good un!!

I've found an old 60gb 7200 WD eide - I think I'll put vista on that and copy image over to an ext caddy drive with Acronis and restore it to my 'good' sammy when it comes next week - will that work dya think - an eide image restored to a sata?
surpirisingly nice case that. Nice build, I'd wait for the SATA drive for a nice and simple install if I was you though. Buy another one for the moment, life is always simpler with 2 hard drives.
melbourne720 said:
surpirisingly nice case that. Nice build, I'd wait for the SATA drive for a nice and simple install if I was you though. Buy another one for the moment, life is always simpler with 2 hard drives.
Too late Melbourne :) .....couldn't resist getting it all up and running so put it on the 60gb eide drive - though I'm not putting much on it coz I've had no responses as to whether the image I'd make of the eide drive would be ok on the sata when it comes....
melbourne720 said:
3GB/s in the SATA two speed limit, I'm sure both cables do that. Use purple for the DVD, and yellow for the HD, just so you know what goes where!

Audio goes over the data cable, no worries. Hope your build goes okay.

Sorry to bust in on your thread but I have a question about the colour of the Sata ports.

I have 5 on mine, 3 red and 2 black. Does it make a difference what i plug into them?

Thank You :)
moggsy said:
That's an external sata expansion card that came with the board.....

That's handy. Does that mean you can plug in an external hard disk and not have to worry about finding a plug socket, i.e. it's all powered from the main PC?

zpos said:
That's handy. Does that mean you can plug in an external hard disk and not have to worry about finding a plug socket, i.e. it's all powered from the main PC?
Thats right. There are also included with the plate, short power & sata data cables of about 18" (45cm).

The Antec Sonata 3 case also has a front esata port (+ 2 x USB2 and audio connectors...)
Nice build there :)

I have the same motherboard and I used the Gigabyte purple ports when I was on XP no probs, but once I went to Vista I had trouble getting it to boot once built on those ports?

Switched to the intel (Orange) ports and all is well :D
sWiZzLe said:
My god :eek: is that heatsink really necessary? Never seen one that big before, that's insane lol

Thats small fry compared to some. I have a Tuniq Tower. Holds a 120mm fan sideways. And you can get bigger. Hell, my heatsink is probably bigger than your shuttle :D
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