HAF X - Final Build with NZXT cables - Pictures Resized

Thanks Duffman.

Are you seriious there is no way to mount a 120mm fan onto the duct ?
Wouldn't the fan mount onto the HD side of the duct like the way you mount fans on the ATCS 840 ?

It's not that there is "no way to mount the fan", but certainly there are no suitable fittings provided. There are no screws long enough to go through the fan and the shroud, and there is no threading on the fan or the shroud to hold them in place anyway. I couldn't believe it myself, but I double-checked the contents of the case and there is nothing. Perhaps they expect you to just place the fan in there with no restraints?

A few bolts of the correct length, with nuts on the fan-end, would do the trick. But I didn't have any of the correct length, so I just used the low-tech solution (blu-tack).

I'm afraid I've never used the ATCS 840, so I couldn't comment on that...
WOW you managed to put together shop bought parts :eek:

The only thing that would have required some work from yourself , you didn't do ! ( the wiring on the optical drives )

Not sure why you needed to create a post about a very 'generic' build :confused:

It frustates me that installing basic shop bought hardware deserves a thread.

Looka at w3bbo or rjkoneill, to name a couple, they put some effort into a build.

Think of something different if you want to create a thread, not the 'shopping list' type of build.

I receive messages daily, and respond to them, giving advice on modding/tips etc.

Sorry if i have offended you, but anyone can put together Lego.

He is only showing off his new build even if it is similar to most out there :rolleyes:
The fan on the top of my HAF-X has started rattling/clicking. It does it when first switched on, for a while (maybe 3 or 4 minutes), until eventually it dies down and disappears. It started up as the weather got cooler, so maybe it has something to do with that. Sounds as if there is something catching the fan, but there is no obstruction, so I guess it's the fan bearings or something...

Anyway, I guess I need a replacement 200mm fan :( Any recommendations? Slow and quiet like the original would be best...
Sweet man, the HAF is such a nice case, and I personally love the unique look of it, like marmite I guess. Bet your PC is like a hairdryer though, with those 2 480's :p

I'm also in the process of putting some NZXT Extensions on my HAF X

Link to my build log in sig :)
Just had a delivery at home, and a new side panel for my HAF X has arrived.

Have to say how good the customer service from Coolermaster is. Very Impressed.


Not only was the replacement side panel, covered both sides by protective plastic. They also put in a filter panel which goes on the bottom. As per later batch of HAF X case.

A1+ Customer service from Coolermaster.
Ah so there is a dust filter on the bottom grills :). Planning on buying this case later this week and that was the only thing putting me off.....especially having 2 long haired cats in the house.
Ah so there is a dust filter on the bottom grills :). Planning on buying this case later this week and that was the only thing putting me off.....especially having 2 long haired cats in the house.

The first batch of HAF X did not have a bottom filter...Later batches did, once i heard about this, i asked there customer services and they sent me one in the post. Now that's not bad...

My Side filter is clear, but my front fliter gets loads of dust on it, but a quick wipe and its gone, depends on your area i guess...

Build log for this? Sorry for the thread hijack but I never thought of a lego pc!
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