haha.every seen a man get eaten by a plane

/predicts flames becasue OP finds it funny and is desenstised to the idea that man may have been injured and suffered, or his dependents may have been effected as a result of his injury
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Duke said:
yes, about 5 yrs ago ;)

Say it with pictures...

Curio said:
Very old but still amazing that he survived without any serious injury!


The air intake, the compressor blades, the combustion chamber, the turbine (after burner if lit)

No chance in Norfolk! :eek:

It's a joke right ?
He had such a head bandage on it looked like he'd found Muhammad in that jet turbine. Seemed to be all there though, apparently his helmet jammed the turbine and took the brunt of it.
Don't know how his undies fared though, mine would have been useless after that.
Mic said:
Pretty sure I seen the guy on tv a few years back talking about it. Seemed fine to me.

Andrew said:
how the hell did he survive that

Kaed said:

The air intake, the compressor blades, the combustion chamber, the turbine (after burner if lit)

No chance in Norfolk!

His Holiness CleanBlueSky said:
So says the Navy...

I rest my case...
cleanbluesky said:
So says the Navy...

Inclined to agree

Poor serviceman gets pulled into engine and minced = bad publicity for military.
Poor serviceman gets pulled into engine and survives with a laceration to the forehead and a broken arm(yeah right) = Silly bugger should have watched where he was going.

The flaming lumps coming out the back of that engine certainly didn’t look man size to me.
Why would the Navy lie :confused: It happens pretty often and they don't hide it......just a few weeks ago some poor guy on a carrier got his head smashed off by a copter when he got too close to the rotors.
What actually happened was that the helmet jammed the engine, which IIRC caused the explosion from the rear of the engine. He was actually very lucky, as the fragments from the helmet being ripped apart could have blinded him.

I remember watching an indepth documentry (well, a part of the program focussed on this part) where they explained how he survived etc- it's certainly possible by what they said :)

If I recall he didnt actually go through the turbine - thats how he survived, he just got stuck in the intake. And as mentioned no reason to cover it up - carrier decks are already renowned for being one of the most dangerous working environments with so many aircraft and people in such close proximity, not to mention night operations.

No doubting he was damn lucky though, many arent.
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