i live in coventry and today i got a taxi into town to get to the bank, just as i was getting out it started to rain and just up ahead you could see people runing for their lives... the taxi driver shouted at me to get back in and we waited it out... besides a few dents, some chipped wind screnes and a few people with minor bumps and cuts it would appear everyone i could see was fine... but get a look at these...
bare in mind, they are sphericle and solid, between one inch and two inches in diameter. and no, thats not my hand ...
i spoke to my mother whos 54 and has lived in coventry all her life, she says she has never seen anything like it, and neither have i... it makes me laugh to think that some odd people still believe global warmings a "natural occurence" ... over thousands of years then yes, but not the rapid and frankly wild changes we are seeing now...
heres just a few from the last 4 years...
*2004, hurricane off the coast of brazil, traditionally that regions seas have never been able to produce a hurricane, untill now.
*2003 heatwave, 15 thousand people die in parris due to the heat wave in 7 days, 3000 on one single day, more than on any single day during the second world war.
*2003, scientists register plants across europe temporarily becoming net exporters of Carbon Dioxide as opposed to exporter of oxygen due to the sudden warm weather
*up to 2005, The thames barrier was built to be closed once every 2 years, that has now increased to 4 times per year, and its still increasing.
*2006 Amazon rainforrest is in its second year of drought.
*2006 at the far north of alaska, the island of Shismarel is one of the first in the line of fire, home to an indigeonous popultaion of native americans for over four thousand years,who are now having to leave the island, the ground is no longer stable and the 5 square mile island is dissapearing at around 15 feet per year.
*2006 The worlds 4th smallest nation, Tuvalu which is 9 square miles, composed of 9 coral atolls in the south pacific and home to ten thousand people is being swallowed by rising seas, in ten years the islands which have been their for millenia will no longer be able to support a human population as it simply wont be there.

bare in mind, they are sphericle and solid, between one inch and two inches in diameter. and no, thats not my hand ...
i spoke to my mother whos 54 and has lived in coventry all her life, she says she has never seen anything like it, and neither have i... it makes me laugh to think that some odd people still believe global warmings a "natural occurence" ... over thousands of years then yes, but not the rapid and frankly wild changes we are seeing now...
heres just a few from the last 4 years...
*2004, hurricane off the coast of brazil, traditionally that regions seas have never been able to produce a hurricane, untill now.
*2003 heatwave, 15 thousand people die in parris due to the heat wave in 7 days, 3000 on one single day, more than on any single day during the second world war.
*2003, scientists register plants across europe temporarily becoming net exporters of Carbon Dioxide as opposed to exporter of oxygen due to the sudden warm weather
*up to 2005, The thames barrier was built to be closed once every 2 years, that has now increased to 4 times per year, and its still increasing.
*2006 Amazon rainforrest is in its second year of drought.
*2006 at the far north of alaska, the island of Shismarel is one of the first in the line of fire, home to an indigeonous popultaion of native americans for over four thousand years,who are now having to leave the island, the ground is no longer stable and the 5 square mile island is dissapearing at around 15 feet per year.
*2006 The worlds 4th smallest nation, Tuvalu which is 9 square miles, composed of 9 coral atolls in the south pacific and home to ten thousand people is being swallowed by rising seas, in ten years the islands which have been their for millenia will no longer be able to support a human population as it simply wont be there.
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