Hail the likes of which ive never seen...

11 Mar 2004
i live in coventry and today i got a taxi into town to get to the bank, just as i was getting out it started to rain and just up ahead you could see people runing for their lives... the taxi driver shouted at me to get back in and we waited it out... besides a few dents, some chipped wind screnes and a few people with minor bumps and cuts it would appear everyone i could see was fine... but get a look at these...


bare in mind, they are sphericle and solid, between one inch and two inches in diameter. and no, thats not my hand ...

i spoke to my mother whos 54 and has lived in coventry all her life, she says she has never seen anything like it, and neither have i... it makes me laugh to think that some odd people still believe global warmings a "natural occurence" ... over thousands of years then yes, but not the rapid and frankly wild changes we are seeing now...

heres just a few from the last 4 years...

*2004, hurricane off the coast of brazil, traditionally that regions seas have never been able to produce a hurricane, untill now.

*2003 heatwave, 15 thousand people die in parris due to the heat wave in 7 days, 3000 on one single day, more than on any single day during the second world war.

*2003, scientists register plants across europe temporarily becoming net exporters of Carbon Dioxide as opposed to exporter of oxygen due to the sudden warm weather

*up to 2005, The thames barrier was built to be closed once every 2 years, that has now increased to 4 times per year, and its still increasing.

*2006 Amazon rainforrest is in its second year of drought.

*2006 at the far north of alaska, the island of Shismarel is one of the first in the line of fire, home to an indigeonous popultaion of native americans for over four thousand years,who are now having to leave the island, the ground is no longer stable and the 5 square mile island is dissapearing at around 15 feet per year.

*2006 The worlds 4th smallest nation, Tuvalu which is 9 square miles, composed of 9 coral atolls in the south pacific and home to ten thousand people is being swallowed by rising seas, in ten years the islands which have been their for millenia will no longer be able to support a human population as it simply wont be there.
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We had hail here today aswell (near Huddersfield) was well hammering it down atound 3pm. Woke me up (was up all night playing CoD2 with team) as it was almost putting my window through although i simple shut my window and went back to sleep. Certainly didnt sound friendly though.
R34P3R said:
We had hail here today aswell (near Huddersfield) was well hammering it down atound 3pm. Woke me up (was up all night playing CoD2 with team) as it was almost putting my window through although i simple shut my window and went back to sleep. Certainly didnt sound friendly though.

lol, you wouldnt of slept through this, i promise you... ;)
gord said:

Arnt we due another one soon?

Actually we just came out of a 'mini ice-age' so no. Hence global warming and not global cooling. Global warming is supposed to cause unpredictable weather such as this, some theorise it is man made and others think it's just a natural occurance of coming out of an ice age.
I remember seeing hail only slightly smaller than that in Cambridge a few years ago and was overjoyed to see it punching holes in a corrugated plastic roof of a lean-to and denting the roof of my mates car.
we had a hailstorm totally out of the blue about two weeks ago - lovely sunny day - whoosh! hailstones that big and hard they knocked a baby bird out of its nest on our roof :(

Took some piccies I'll put them up later when I can hook the camera up, not sure if they were as big as yours, but the hailstones were hooooge!
locutus12 said:
it makes me laugh to think that some odd people still believe global warmings a "natural occurence" ... over thousands of years then yes, but not the rapid and frankly wild changes we are seeing now...

Although some recent studies have found an increase in summertime melting of the ice sheet over the past several decades, a new analysis of Greenland temperatures indicates that summers have actually been getting cooler on average since 1940. Reporting in the March, 2004 issue of Climatic Change (vol. 63, pp. 201-221), Petr Chylek of Los Alamos National Laboratory and colleagues document a rapid warming in Greenland between 1920 and 1930, followed by a cooling trend along the coast of about 1°C (1.8°F) since 1940. Coastal temperatures warmed from 1992 to 1998, but the overall trend since 1940 is still toward cooling.

there is still lots of debate even though 99% of people just blindly follow the media..
Got them yesterday here too. My father called my mother to warn her, who in turn shouted me down as the gazebo was about to take off. So, cue me trying to take a gazebo down when these fellas come flying down from the skies above.
Mikol said:
Got them yesterday here too. My father called my mother to warn her, who in turn shouted me down as the gazebo was about to take off. So, cue me trying to take a gazebo down when these fellas come flying down from the skies above.

oooh, you've got a gazebo...hark at you :p
AcidHell2 said:
there is still lots of debate even though 99% of people just blindly follow the media..

i personally dont blindly follow the media, the events i detailed for you above are from several different sources and only a blind man would ignore their significance, when plant life alters its function to actually produce CO2 in order to cope with a sudden shift in weather patterns, that alone my friend is not normal. Global warming is not totally dependant on what greenland happens to be doing... also the study you refere too seems to only focus on costal areas and hasnt taken into account the fact that greenlands ice sheet in its entirety has been thinning at an ever increasing rate over the past 10 years.

My sources are the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) and the Hadley Reasearch Center, youl find that every time the IPCC releases a report, suddenly a small group of scientists who usually and purely coincidentally just happen to be republicans too, will come out of the wood work and pick and poke as many holes in the IPCC report in order to make it as uncredible as possible to world governments.

This in tern allows countrys like America to continue with its fingers in its ears, blindly ignoring the chaotic climate events that are taking shape year on year all over the world and for Big Business to continue to produce profits for the benefit of shareholders and executives regardless of the environmental costs.
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I Know its a global thing and not just greenland, thats just one example. What you got to rember we have about 200 years of reliable tempratures, thats absolutley nothing compared to the length of an ice age. Hail like that has happend before and will happen again. Things are a hell of a lot more complex than going co2 raise tempratures..
My sister found one in the garden the size of a cricket ball a few years ago. It was kept in the freezer for about 6 month 'til my dad though wtf is this and through it out.
AcidHell2 said:
I Know its a global thing and not just greenland, thats just one example. What you got to rember we have about 200 years of reliable tempratures, thats absolutley nothing compared to the length of an ice age. Hail like that has happend before and will happen again. Things are a hell of a lot more complex than going co2 raise tempratures..

:confused: eh ?!

we have hundreds of thousands of years of VERY reliable temperatures, more so than the written temperatures that have been documented over the last centuary. Thats what Ice cores and fossils are for. as for gasses in the atmosphere, your right, its not just CO2, but thats the most important of them due to its abillity to reflect heat.

The scientists who argue against the IPCC say that "this has all happened before and that its a cylce" which in some ways is correct but it negates one definate fact which the Scientists at the IPCC are trying to tell everyone...

Warming has never happened so quickly and on such a large scale certanly in the last 100 thousand years, as it is happening today.
locutus12 said:
:confused: eh ?!

we have hundreds of thousands of years of VERY reliable temperatures, more so than the written temperatures that have been documented over the last centuary. Thats what Ice cores and fossils are for. as for gasses in the atmosphere, your right, its not just CO2, but thats the most important of them due to its abillity to reflect heat.

no you have temprature, but not tempratures for every day of the year. you have extremly good guesse due to several methods.

again co2 is not even close to the top off greenhouse gasses, methan is far wose but one of the worst offenders is water vapour. Water vapour is 100X better than co2 as a green house gas. Yet all the friends of the earth and other hippie collaborations want to use things like hydrogen.. Humm guess what that produces water... But because water is seen as pure its never shot down.

Anyway we had a huge discusiion can't seem to find the thread im sure it was archived. That disscused basicly everything. So I'll let your thread get back on topic.
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