Hallowe'en - what did you do last night/are you doing tonight?

1 Aug 2005
I'm interested to see if you lot are doing anything at all this year. Not everyone does, but this year I've been particularly in the mood for it.

Yesterday I went shopping in Camden in the afternoon [really bad idea because everyone had flooded the Gothic clothing shops]. I wanted to see a horror film after but as you can guess, the only horrors on in the cinemas were all really tame ones for the masses. Ended up seeing Winter's Bone instead with the gf and then off to dinner in Soho at Garlic & Shots. Home by Clipper - far better than any night bus.

When we got back at about 1230am there was a ridiculously - and I mean ridiculously - loud party going on several houses down. It was stupidly loud. Thankfully we lived far enough away for it not to make sleeping a problem, but I feel bad for those closer by.

Not doing anything much today apart from music listening and gym, since yesterday was the 'main' night.

Anyone else?

EDit: oops should have been in GD
Setting up claymores around my garden path with several hd cameras streaming to an online pay to watch site.
Flat party last night, which got absorbed in to another party further down, but fairly early finish for me, had a long day. Tonight, off to visit my old flatmates and have a few beers, hoping we won't be bothered 4 floors up :p

I went to the above last night. I'm quite nervous of anything remotely scary so I was a bit apprehensive about going but it was really well organised and very well thought out. 7 of us went together and we had such a laugh. People dressed up as zombies and the like jumping out of the dark at you.

Anyone local to Crawley I would recommend you go, if not this year than next.
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I went to the above last night. I'm quite nervous anything remotely scary so I was a bit apprehensive about going but it was really well organised and very well thought out. 7 of us went together and we had such a laugh. People dressed up as zombies and the like jumping out of the dark at you.

Anyone local to Crawley I would recommend you go, if not this year than next.

Good old Tulleys, always good fun at Halloween. Got pumpkins and some sweets from them this year, didn't go to Shocktoberfest though.

Will just watch a couple of horror films tonight with the other half I think.
Going round my mates house with my PC to have an evening of Left 4 Dead 2 LAN joy tonight, suppose its got a halloween slant to it :p

Yesterday I was sat writing my dissertation, which I really wish would go away, far away. Would have loved to have gone home for a mates halloween birthday shindig, but this work reared its ugly head :(
nothing, i've had my fun for the weekend running around several acres of land shooting at people with guns.

Going to be sore tomorrow.
dont normally go out on sunday nights so will proberly watch a scary movie as ive got a few rentals ,gonna watch either rec or frozen proberly rec as i think thats more scary?
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