HALO 3 Official Thread

Anyone fancy changing there dashboard lagnauge to something like Japenese to try and get in the same free for all ranked match and boost achievements?

I'm going back into the ranked games tonight to try and get some anyway now I'm done on legendary.

Edit: Or I'll be going through on normal again for the meta game achievements which I just realised I still need to do.
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yea i need the Meta ones, done it 3 times on legendary and twice on normal already so will give SP a miss for a few days!

PGR4 has taken to much time away!! Just cba with the free for all ones, wouldnt mind if it was team
yea i need the Meta ones, done it 3 times on legendary and twice on normal already so will give SP a miss for a few days!

PGR4 has taken to much time away!! Just cba with the free for all ones, wouldnt mind if it was team

Yeah I tend to agree, I have more fun playing the team games but had been playing some ranked lone wolf to try and get some achievements.

Unfortunately I tend to be crap :p
I just played a game that made me quite unpopular, on Snowbound, got the banshee and stayed in it the whole map. usually I dont do that and moan at people that do, but I wanted these 2 achievements :( Kill Frenzy and Splatter Achievement

And I got them so I'm happy, got 22 splatter kills that round, oops :(

People are really thick. When people use the ghost you need to use the shield doors with sticky nades or grab the sniper/laser which are all indoors. I get so many kills in the ghost because of morons :p
People are really thick. When people use the ghost you need to use the shield doors with sticky nades or grab the sniper/laser which are all indoors. I get so many kills in the ghost because of morons :p

TBH I no longer worry about the ghost on that level. In fact I am 99% confident* that I can take out the ghost first try,

* I said confident not necessarily successful ;)
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TBH I no longer worry about the ghost on that level. In fact I am 99% confident* that I can take out the ghost first try,

* I said confident not necessarily successful ;)

Yeah it's really easy to take it out, the issue is when you team let them get 4 kills before you get to it because they're idiots.
People are really thick. When people use the ghost you need to use the shield doors with sticky nades or grab the sniper/laser which are all indoors. I get so many kills in the ghost because of morons :p

That wasnt a dig at me for using it as well was it? :( I said I felt bad for doing it lol

But that stick in the video, crazy stuff
That wasnt a dig at me for using it as well was it? :( I said I felt bad for doing it lol

But that stick in the video, crazy stuff

No mate, I'm much more direct when I'm offending people :p

I was having a dig at the morons who get killed by the ghost, not the people who use it.

Great games tonight guys :)
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Rock on! I'm rubbish at games but I stuck with Halo and finished it. Only on normal but I usually get bored and start playing something else and abandon games without completing them. Now to work on the harder difficulty levels I guess.
They don't call me supercow for nothing!
Wanted to see if I could get him out of his Vehicle mid air, and it's possible - unfortunately it didnt happen. Now that would have been a good video! :D


Well i finished the game last night and i loved it,

My only quibbles would be:

1) The enemies - quite clever and respectable AI, but there weren't many different kinds. I prefered the enemies in the earlier part of the game.
2) Ammo - Constantly running out of ammo and then having to look for ammo boxes (Didn't realise what these were until later in the game) or other guns lying on the floor. This was what i thought was excellent about Half Life.
3) The final levels i think lacked what the rest of the game had. Inside some weird molten caves, with endless enemies, sod all ammo and you could barely see where to go (might be becaus ei have a crappy old T.V.) Killing that little robot thing was far too easy, took about 3 goes and i felt let down that that was the last half decent enemy you fight. The jeep race out of there to the ship right at the end was rubbish too. What the hell was that about? Some bloody lego platform which you have to drive through.
4) Vehicles - Excellent selection and fun, but the controls were poor at best imo.

1) What was the big deep scary type voice in the game, because i was hoping for some time that i would be fighting some massive beast which i would have to propel umpteen grenades at inject with lead like it was going out of fashion....?

2) Why when i got back to the root menu does it say 'Resume Solo Career' ? if i do it, it resumes me but quite fair back in the game. Can i not start this again?

3) That girl/hologram thing that kept coming up i thought was an enemy...?

4) Why wasn't there a half decent 'boss' to fight at the end?! :(

That is all :)
No wonder you didn't like it, I take it you've never touched a halo game before?

I can't say I had any ammo problems when playing on legendary.
Thats what Spartans are trained to do, use any and all weapons available including the enemies, which is one of Halo's strong points to me especially on the flood levels (which are great IMO) I cant stand typical corridor shooters where you can seem to carry around an armoury in your pants ;)

The answers to most of your questions are in the previous games and you're confused because you're playing the last game in a trilogy, which would be the same as watching Return of the king and not the previous lord of the rings films first. There is little point in me trying to explain about the Gravemind and Cortana so if you can't be bothered to play the previous games have a good read of: (They may also conatain SPOILERS from the books so be warned)

About Gravemind

About the Flood

About Cortana

1)They've tried boss fights before and they always turn out terrible so I'm glad they got rid of them this time around. Plus I doubt you could win against the Gravemind, unless you were using vehicles.

2)To start again you need to start a campaign lobby and select your level and difficulty

3)No she isnt, you missed a huge part of the story in Halo 1&2 so its only natural you don't have a clue about her

4)See number 1 :p

Killing that little robot thing was far too easy, took about 3 goes and i felt let down that that was the last half decent enemy you fight. The jeep race out of there to the ship right at the end was rubbish too. What the hell was that about? Some bloody lego platform which you have to drive through.

He's a monitor, all his job entails is to maintain the his Halo installation (7 in total so we can guess that there are 7 monitors in total) and ensure it is ready fire, so he really doesnt have any offensive capabilities, those which he used against you were probably for his own defense incase he was cornered by the flood. Also you only really killed him to tie up all loose ends before ending the story (atleast thats my guess). And the last part in the warthog brought back so many memories from Halo 1 and I loved it :D especially in Co-op when you team mates go flying off the edge :)
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