HALO 3 Official Thread

I did :p although looking at it in very slow motion it seems as if all stickies are now magnetic as in they will attatch themselves if they come within a certain radius, not knocking the kill it was damn funny :D just I've noticed the sticks seem to not go straight through people anymore like they did in Halo 2.

Yeah, I did notice that. Ping me a movie message thingy to my XBL account when you put it up on your share.
was just about to, just finished editing 5 games and got around 7 clips :p

Edit: Its sent and it is me in the move btw (since its from an angle it doesnt display names)
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I probably would if it was a one off fee.

Anyway, sorry for not playing earlier but I was getting my arse handed to me with a mate.

Night night.
Right, I have only had it a week and got around to playing it for the first time last night.

I love FPS on the PC, and love the XBox as a console, but never got on with FPS, I had GoW and sold it as I got bored within half an hour, loved R6:Vegas.

With Halo3 I found the graphics were good, but not leading edge, the sounds are a bit flat, I would prefer the guns to sound more meaty, and the HUD to be clearer, playing on a 42" TV the top left and right corners can get mixed in with the sky and be hard to read when in the thick of it.
The controls are the good part, I love the dual weapon controls, it works really well.

The gameplay is the best part though, for a FPS on a console, I can actually hit stuff and kill them, the gameplay is fast paced and involving without dragging out cut scenes

Overall I love it, but I was struggling getting the online stuff working, it would let me create a room, but I couldn't seem to find any games :confused:
I don't know about you guys but I get SO much latency when I play and its only on Halo 3. For example I'll blast someone in the face with the mawler which takes his shield off, then smack him in the face with the but of my gun, then he hits me with his and I die but he still remains with no shield! I really don't know what is up but the mates I play with never seem to have these sorts of problems - Does anyone get latency?

Also what ranks are you? I just got to 35 on lone wolves and its still not very hard :) Im a major now... :)
I get it as well, shoot a guy in the face with rockets and follow up with a beatdown and I am the one who dies to his beatdown. Shoot a guy 3x with shotgun and follow up with a beatdown, he turns around shoots me once and I die :/ Also I am hating the spawning, I can be sniping from one end of Narrows then the whole enemy team spawns right up my ass and double/tripple teams me.

I'm only around level 13 so far in Team Slayer, but I also havent played much yet (39 ranked and all of them arent team slayer either).

I love how easy some of these guys are and think they are better just because they've played more games, I often hear from a team of 4 Captains about how they are going to own me and I end up wiping the floor with them :D I'm only a Gunnery Sergeant so I get a lot of Flak from people in ranked just because they have played 200 more games then I have :rolleyes:
Maybe it's cause the servers are in America?

I think that's it. When playing with mates and people in the eu everything runs fine. When playing against a load of yanks, grenades come out 1/2 sec after I push the button and smackdowns that normally would have given a kill often end in my death. A few times i've been shot by people a split second before they come into view and on occasion have been killed when running behind cover, only to see my dead body laying just behind where it appeared to be on my screen.
If anyone's up for joining myself, Spawn (hopefully) and Wiiija (already messaged me) tonight we're going to 'finish the fight' and co-op the last 2 levels on legendary! :D

Probably be about 8-8.30pm :)
Just played through the last mission with a mate but the game was stuttering badly for both of us all the way through. At one point it quit back to the campaign lobby with a lost connection. We played the last half again and got to the end but during the credits the game quit again. So now none of us have got the credits for completing the game! WTF?!

I played the last half of the final mission through again by myself later but still no achievement points and in the campaign lobby it doesnt show that I've finished it either as single player or co-op. What gives? I cba to do it again but I feel somewhat cheated that I've missed the points.....
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