HALO 3 Official Thread

If you want in just send me or krono a text message asking for one, while we are playing we see people come online, but dont really pay attention because were distracted while in-game. If I see you I will throw one your way :)

I need to start doing that to you guys, when I'm playing something else or busy I get invites, when I want to get killed by you lot I never get one :p

I might be up for some action if you guys are around lateon, I won't be in from work till 22:30
I need to start doing that to you guys, when I'm playing something else or busy I get invites, when I want to get killed by you lot I never get one :p

I might be up for some action if you guys are around lateon, I won't be in from work till 22:30

Thats the second part of the problem. People will ask for one while we are in the middle of a match-making game, we finish it 5 mins later, send an invite and they've already buggered off elsewhere and I get accused of never inviting them :p

They ask for one and think we are ignoring them, but its hard to reply in the middle of a match since its so fast paced. It would solve a lot of problems if people just learned some patience :)
Thats the second part of the problem. People will ask for one while we are in the middle of a match-making game, we finish it 5 mins later, send an invite and they've already buggered off elsewhere and I get accused of never inviting them :p

They ask for one and think we are ignoring them, but its hard to reply in the middle of a match since its so fast paced. It would solve a lot of problems if people just learned some patience :)

either that or one of us flounces off in a hissy fit ;)
I need to start doing that to you guys, when I'm playing something else or busy I get invites, when I want to get killed by you lot I never get one :p

I might be up for some action if you guys are around lateon, I won't be in from work till 22:30

I sat there last night waiting for the usual krono onslaught of invites and it never came. :(
umm... it was you last night

BTW I'm on now if anyone wants some action

I wasnt hissy fitting I just couldnt make anymore noise and if I carried on playing I would have got a right ear full from everyone so I just went.

You and Miss K couldnt stop dying so it was frustrating, I'm not blaming either of you its me with the problem because I cant control my temper. Plus I wasnt in the best of moods to begin with yesterday. I'll explain later when I'm online.
I think im on the last level now! my god ive nearly thrown my pad at my screen so many times, i just get smashed by zombie alien things everywhere!
The whole mellee situation annoys me a lot.

Even Halo 2 wasn't as bad as this. Some games just don't suffer from it at all and I don't seem to remember having this problem at all when playing the Beta. Might be because the beta was hosted by bungie's servers instead of Microsofts?
Its doing my head in though, for instance CTF with 3 of my mates on team objective, they ALL die and there's just me left to defend the flag, I smack him once and take his shield off, he smacks me, I smack him again and then he hits me and kills me!!! Its SO annoying - I would get thousands more kills if it wasn't for the latency in this stupid game alone. Ive been working on my medals for Bungie.net at the moment and have a slice n' dice on ranked (10 sword kills with no deaths) and a vehicular manslaughter!!! (10 splatters with no deaths)

Im still trying to get the perfection medal - has anyone done it yet?


Im pretty proud of my level 36 in Lone Wolves :) Im aiming for 40 though :p

& 1 last thing - check my screenshots :) - me and some mates got some pics of all the easter eggs, the pictures of the monkeys in sierra 117 haven't come up though :(
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Cheers for the games lads, headset's borked so cant talk until replacement arrives :/

I was a virgin to rocket races, I think I was doing something wrong ? :o

Could someone tell me the rules please. :D
Just came across an interesting little clip and decided to have a closer look and thought I would share with you all :). A guy has a sniper rifle and nails his enemy all 4x, but his 'victim' doesnt die...

Shot 1 - Straight between the eyes

Shot 2 - Another between the eyes

Shot 3 - Not sure whether this was another headshot or through the shoulder

Shot 4 - Another through the shoulder

I included the HUD in the 4th shot so you could see how much shield he has after being nailed 4x in a row, thats right ALL OF IT! All 4 sniper shots took place within a period of 5 seconds, Bungie says you need to have skill to use the new sniper? Well I will let the screenshots speak for themselves...

I always say I cant snipe in Halo 3 like I could in Halo 2 now I know why :rolleyes: The hitbox in this game is just so damn random you either get the kill or you dont. So now its not a matter of relying on skill to get a kill its down to luck? Sorry but if they dont sort this **** out I'm going back to Halo 2.

I forgot to mention its not me doing this, its a film clip I've got my hands on to prove a point. To prove its not a Custom Game with Headshot Immunity turned on here is the link to the game: http://www.bungie.net/Stats/GameStatsHalo3.aspx?gameguid=-8851280263126692798

If you look carefully in the link you will see its a Social Slayer game.
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It annoys me so much than bungie managed to screw this up. I had no problems in the first week or 2 with melee's but recently I have lost every single melee when my opponent is also meleeing me. I've never had this problem in halo 2 and the whole sniper/swords not doing any damage just compounds the problems.

It's almost putting me off the game as I am now losing so many games that I should easily be winning.
Cheers for the games lads, headset's borked so cant talk until replacement arrives :/

I was a virgin to rocket races, I think I was doing something wrong ? :o

Could someone tell me the rules please. :D

Bah did I miss rocket race again? I've yet to play it :(

Sorry about leaving last night guys, one of the kids isn't very well and he kept getting up so I just left after that first round of oddball.
It annoys me so much than bungie managed to screw this up. I had no problems in the first week or 2 with melee's but recently I have lost every single melee when my opponent is also meleeing me. I've never had this problem in halo 2 and the whole sniper/swords not doing any damage just compounds the problems.

It's almost putting me off the game as I am now losing so many games that I should easily be winning.

Too right mate - I'm sure they'll fix it though. Its incredibly frustrating. Also who thinks the new sword looks crap?! It almost looks 2D compared to the Halo 2 sword. I also think the lunges are absolutely dire :(

I still need the overkill achievement!!! If there is anyone that wants to join me and a group of 3 others in getting this achievement (I know a way) - let me know. Oh and if you do - you have to be a level 30 or higher in lonewolves
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