HALO 3 Official Thread

Just got mine as well in oddball :p wasnt that difficult

Lol - It gets a lot harder in the 30's... I got all of my other achieves when I stayed around the 10/20 mark.

@ Kreeee... I know - Its crap :p. I'm not using it! Besides now everyone that hits 1000 uses it anyway
Nah hes just level 36(?) in Lone Wolves, what hes trying to say is its more difficult to get an overkill when the players arent retards :p All I was saying was what prevented him from getting it before he got to that level.

Mine was rather simple to get because they just kept running through the shield doors on snowbound while I had the oddball which is a 1 hit kill :p
Nah hes just level 36(?) in Lone Wolves, what hes trying to say is its more difficult to get an overkill when the players arent retards :p All I was saying was what prevented him from getting it before he got to that level.

Mine was rather simple to get because they just kept running through the shield doors on snowbound while I had the oddball which is a 1 hit kill :p

They all seem relatively easy bar the triple sword kill one.
I want a mutliplayer map option.

Well it doesnt have it, what would be the point when you can play the campaign with 4 players over xbox live? Not meaning to sound like an ass I just dont understand why people want AI bots in multi-player. It might work in other FPS but it wouldnt in Halo the gameplay and maps are not designed for it.

It would be damn hard for them to program a semi-decent dynamic AI to take advantage of every multi-player map available and would be quite frankly a waste of resources. A scripted AI would also be a waste of time because they would be way too predictable.

Take Lockout from Halo 2 as an example there are jumps everywhere and a few hidden ones that give you a real advantage once you master them (not talking about the glitchy super jumps btw) Its a map that rewards the player who masters the most difficult of the jumps because it means you can sneak up on that little git camping with the sword around the corner and assasinate him or escape from certain death by jumping down to the lowest level which gives your shield time to recharge. A bot couldnt do that unless it could think for itself.

I take it you want them to practice on? Well take it from me, there is no better pratice then on real people playing the game and not some crappy AI. Yes I could have just replied with a 'No' but I wanted to rant about it :p so many people ask me why Halo doesnt have them and wont accept the fact that it simply wouldnt work.
They all seem relatively easy bar the triple sword kill one.

Never said they were difficult, but some people are just lazy and need to 'cheat' (for lack of a better word) to get them (its not aimed at anyone before anybody takes my head off). I plan on playing this for ages yet and they will come to me in time.

It also really depends on the game types you get too and mine are mostly Slayer, but the tossers Veto it and we get Crazy King everytime :rolleyes:

I just had a REALLY close slayer game on Epitaph aswell, I replied "Close game, Good Game" and all I got was "I would pwn you 1 on 1, lets go" from a Captain (lvl 38 max) There was literally only 1 kill in it and I hadn't got a kill for almost 2 mins when I came along and got 2 in the space of 20 seconds thus ending the game. I just think it hurt when he gets beat by a lieutenant (lvl 15 max)
Never said they were difficult, but some people are just lazy and need to 'cheat' (for lack of a better word) to get them (its not aimed at anyone before anybody takes my head off). I plan on playing this for ages yet and they will come to me in time.

I meant that all will come in time bar the triple sword kill which I'd have to actively hunt down.

It also really depends on the game types you get too and mine are mostly Slayer, but the tossers Veto it and we get Crazy King everytime :rolleyes:

I hate when nobbers encourage people to veto because they don't like the map and then whine about the new game type selected. You'd have thought after 150 games that they'd have realised it veto's the map and game type!
I dunno I had a swords only game in rumble pit and was getting a good few triples, but I doubt they would put that game type in ranked Lone Wolves since the achivement would have been gotten by everyone :p

I hate when nobbers encourage people to veto because they don't like the map and then whine about the new game type selected. You'd have thought after 150 games that they'd have realised it veto's the map and game type!

I hate it aswell, its the only time I unmute my headset to shout abuse :p Epitaph has to be my favourite map and each time I get slayer on it, it gets Veto'd and we get Crazy King on Narrows :rolleyes: (or some equally bad map) Im the only one who didnt Veto and everyone is claiming it wasnt them who Veto'd it even though it was me who didnt Veto :p
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Something else is really doing my head in aswell, I have to take 4-5 screen shots of the same moment just because half of them dont even make it to bungie.net

I took some 18 hours ago and half of them didnt make it, but the ones I took a few hours later did make it there :confused:

I just wish they gave you the option to publish which screenshot YOU wanted to send and not send everyone screenshot you save because I have some that are days old and I dont have the film for it anymore so now I cant send it to bungie.net and its stuck on my 360 :/
I hate it aswell, its the only time I unmute my headset to shout abuse :p Epitaph has to be my favourite map and each time I get slayer on it, it gets Veto'd and we get Crazy King on Narrows :rolleyes: (or some equally bad map) Im the only one who didnt Veto and everyone is claiming it wasnt them who Veto'd it even though it was me who didnt Veto :p

I like narrows :(
well what stopped you from getting it before you hit the 30's? ;)

The only really good time (like you mentioned) to get the overkill is oddball on Epitaph but I wasn't trying for them. Every ranked achievement I have gotten (all of them now :p) has been done legitly but I have aimed for them as I hate Lonewolves with a passion so I don't want to be playing it for years before I get the achievements. My triple sword was the closest though... Crazy king on the pit but unfortunately I didn't save that.

The best one I have gotten so far was when I was trying to get the double lazer achievement, Crazy King on snowbound - I fired the shot and it killed 2 people and I stood still waiting for the achievement to pop up (as they seem to take ages on halo 3) but whilst waiting I decided to just fire another lazer and it just so happened ANOTHER 2 guys were fighting so I actually got it again 2 seconds after the first! I've got it on my fileshare if you don't believe me :p

I agree with everyone about this veto business - when people shout veto, I deliberately don't just to hear them moan on. I am talking a lot more now than I did in Halo 2 because I'm playing with mates and there's nothing more satisfying than owning a group of yanks who just **** talked you in the pre-game lobby :D

Also please check my fileshare :) I've upped a vid of a forge game me and a mate set-up to receive all the in game medals :)
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