Hanging up road riding boots for good :-(

22 Apr 2008
Bryn Celyn Wales
Well, as title suggests, after the past year with many many thoughts going through head, I've decided it's the right time to hang up my riding boots on the road.

Just come back from a fantastic SPAIN trip that nearly ended badly for my mate riding his bike (he's ok, but broken collar, ribs, toes, bruided lung etc)... and 2 years ago, another mate nearly died (knee caps gone, swelling on brain etc)... luckily both are fine now.

However, over last 12 months I've been having this nagging feeling that something is going to happen... so, after 4 track days, 3 epic tours of Europe and 20k miles plus of epic riding, I've decided to call it a day.

Not going to rush into getting rid of bike as next spring if I have the need I'll get out on the track and possibly think about a race licence, however right now.... it's the last I've ridden on the road me thinks.

Anyone else quit or felt the need to go with gutt feeling? Anyone worry or find they're relieved when they get home after a ride? That's the thing that worries me, the fact I'm glad I'm back home alive rofl... I never thank my stars I'm back in the car, but on the bike, just seems I'm taking my life in my hands and in everyone elses lately so, rather than be a boxer, and go for that last fight... decided to call it.

Opinions or similar feelings from anyone?
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I gave up riding motorcycles 15 years ago (aged 35) after 3 near misses in one day after moving to NE London.

Having just moved in with my GF (now wife of 12 years) and 2 very young daughters, the risk was no longer worth the reward as far as I concerned.
This is exactly what I mean. I've got a 22 year old and a 6 year old girl and married... and I just can't get "death" out my head. I'vbe had a terrible year with luck, anything and everything has failed, broke or whatever, and to me, it's a warning.

Can see where everyone is coming from on this one... and I ride safely... not had any near misses. However the one thing that has confirmed was in Spain. The D511 is what I'd class as the best riding road (if you like tehcnical stuff like me) in the Europe easily and I've riden the best stuff. I basically just went and don't get me wrong, it wasn't speeds like 120mph etc, it was slower speeds but right where you're on the edge...

Now I've always controlled my own speed, however this is the 2nd or 3rd time I've just got in the juju... gone for it and nothing else was regirstering... seriously, I was oblivious to everything else, family, the massive drops down the side of the mountain... I was concentrating that much to get the best out the bike and with the road being as it was, you had to give it 110%... my mate who ended up around 3-4 minutes behind me... everything was perfect and I've never ridden a road so close and perfect ever and won't again. My worry was, when I got to the bottom, I'd not seen a car as road was like a race track, better infact... and I'd ridden so hard, I was exhausted 5 minutes after getting off bike. I couldn't control it, mist whatever you want to call it. Not at a single point was I riding stupidly or anything like that... BUT it's the fact I didn't care what happened to me, I just rode...

The fact that I didn't care worries me. The fact I'm grateful for getting home (not that I'm riding fast) it's the... another ride in the bag.

I love touring, it's incredible BUT, just think I've come to the end of the line.

I'd reccomend biking to ANYONE, it's incredible... I'd never come out with the horror stories, just that it is more dangerous, we're more vulnerable and you play the percentages and ride safe. However, we can't control gravel, idiots on the road... and looks like now and then, my mind is elsewhere.
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Its more everything about biking. No one (no matter what they say) buys a bike to tootle around on, there's always that buzz from hoofing it... otherwise we'd all have our bikes limited to 70mph tops wouldn't we lol. There's a time and a place and I would never say I have ever knowingly riden dangerously or without caution BUT a couple of time, I have been in the juju... and when that happens... it's not right.

However, it's everything that goes to biking; dangerous drivers, idiot other bikers, grit on road, diesel on road, riding too quickly, riding too cautously... etc etc etc...
I'll just leave this here...

That was close, bet that guy was grateful he got home! Thing is, I have a choice. Family, I own three cars currently lol... and for me, safety is the issue. It's not really me riding too quickly (I'm not good enough lol), it's purely that I know the risks. Eric (the bike) is all tucked up now in his total enclosure outside having a kip... and I don't think he'll see another road.

Interesting to hear peoples views though from people who have stopped, never would stop and those who share views...
Bike's not been out and wrapped up in total enclosure system... went NEC Bike show but it didn't stir anything so, we'll see... but deffo intend to do some track days still.
Well, some people may or may not be intersted, I got on the bike Monday... gave it a little blast... checked pressures etc and made sure it was tip top... then decided I need a Dynojet Stage 1 hahaha to go with the new Motad stainless downpipes I've purchased...

So, the question is, does this mean I'm back, or simply I'm bored lol
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