Hangovers. why some do and why some don't?

19 Feb 2007
i rarely get hangovers, and i have people around me who drink less and get satans headache the following day.

i have read lots about the causes of a hangover which comes down to basically dehydration , and other variables like genetics and the amount of enzymes a person has that breaks down alcohol to acetate, meaning the more of this stuff the less negative effects the following morning.

the thing is, i used to get them bad when i was young funny enough, and you would think youth and a more efficient metabolism that this wouldn't be the case.

its only in the last 6 years when i quit smoking and started to get fitter i have noticed a decrease , in fact a complete removal of any hangover symptoms, i do feel lethargic though , and this is due to my quality of sleep being effected under the influence which means i don't feel as alert the next day, other than that i can get up and go about my business with not a headache in sight.

i don't drink every day but the nights i do i typically drink 2 bottles of red wine and 2 beers, i say this to give you an indication , not as a bravado thing. its just the amount i can drink which gets me to a certain level of intoxication that im used to.

my cousin on the other hand can drink the same amount and be taken out for 2 days suffering the ill effects.

i suggested to him when he was down to drink lots of water to prevent hangover, e did and still he got it .

so, why don't i get a hangover?
i try to eat something before and after drinking and drink as much water as i can before i go to sleep, if i wake up i try to drink as much water as i can. when i do come to get up i feal fine.
It depends what I'm drinking. If I drink lager all night, I get a real bad headache. I'm not too bad on shorts or alcopops.

However I do have a miracle cure. Alkaseltzer XS. I take one before I go to sleep and I wake up perfectly fine. It makes such a difference.
just have a glass of water after every couple of drinks and then one big drink before you goto bed, eating before does help but sometimes delays the effect of alcohol and then it all hits you later on.
Rehydration after a night out definetley helps, always grab a glass of water before hitting the sack. Works for me.
I drink about 2L when I come in from a heavy drinking sesh.... but I don't really ever get headaches - I just feel like somethings died inside of me always! Don't know how to stop this though!
i can pop a bottle of mainly sainsburys bourbon on a good day, long session that being from about 2pm to 12am, this is obviously not binge drinking as in a night out where you get drunk in a matter of hours, i think this drinking over a long period is much better and i never seem to get hangovers from drinking and entire bottle of whisky all gorgeous 28 units,

but if on a night out from say 9-2 and im on beer i wake up with the most stonking headache until my **** turns clear again after drinking like 4 pints of water.

I know drinking a whole bottle is probably not good for you in one sitting but sod it when your young and you can still cope with it!!
Your level of fitness combined with drinking regularly has overcome the hangover issue.

The fitter I got the less I suffered from colds, general illness and certainly hangovers. Your repeated drinking has upped your body's tollerance to that amount of alcohol, where as your cousin is not as acustomed or fit, and so suffers like a big girl ;)
I tend to stick to red wine most of the time, it just suits me. I don't drink the volume you drink though. Usually between half a bottle to a bottle and a glass. Somewhere around there, and usually spread over about 3 hours so not that much at all. If I drink a bottle of red wine (which isn't a great deal really) I don't really feel it the next day but with other drinks, I feel it. If I start on lager then have some wine later on, I feel tired all day the next day. I just can't shake it off.
i can pop a bottle of mainly sainsburys bourbon on a good day, long session that being from about 2pm to 12am, this is obviously not binge drinking

i drink 2 bottles of red from 6pm and finish it around 5am.

it takes an average person to break down 1 unit of alcohol per hour , the slower you drink the less your blood alc content will be, meaning more alcohol is being metabolised and not overflowing to the blood stream.

maybe the intake rate has something to do with it .
i drink 2 bottles of red from 6pm and finish it around 5am.

it takes an average person to break down 1 unit of alcohol per hour , the slower you drink the less your blood alc content will be, meaning more alcohol is being metabolised and not overflowing to the blood stream.

maybe the intake rate has something to do with it .

6 glasses over 11 hours? Yes, I think the intake rate might be affecting you drunkeness lol ;) That's some ridiculously slow drinking, but fair play, you'll never get drunk, and never spend a fortune out.
6 glasses over 11 hours? Yes, I think the intake rate might be affecting you drunkeness lol ;) That's some ridiculously slow drinking, but fair play, you'll never get drunk, and never spend a fortune out.

hehe , i do get drunk, in fact i'm horsed by the time i have finished the last glass, but still over 11 hours for 2 bottles.

i enjoy wine , so i take my time and i'm doing stuff as i'm drinking.
Christ, when I read 2 bottles I thought no wonder. Then I read thats over 11 hours.

I've done 2 bottles in under 2 hours before. Nasty thing that.
Some people do, some don't. It's gay.

I get really bad hangovers if I don't use my prevention (8-10 pints of water chugged before bed, sometimes add multivits and such to the mix). If I go out and get steaming and don't do that, I won't be able to stand up without vomiting the next day usually. Which is a nightmare if I have work or something.

Last time I got so drunk I couldn't intake water because I was too far gone, I had a reel big fish gig the next day, I couldn't do anything during the day, off sick from work etc. couldn't keep food down so the egg and vitamin cure was out. It took me 6 attempts at hair of the dog about 2 oclock before I kept it down, vodka redbull. I then hopped in a car to a gig in birmingham, preceeded to get monumentally drunk again, fell asleep in the car back and literally crawled into my front door I felt so bad. It was messy, I'm not gonna lie. :D

1 pint of water is never enough, maybe it's because i'm a big lad, I dunno.
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Some people do, some don't. It's gay.

I get really bad hangovers if I don't use my prevention (8-10 pints of water chugged before bed, sometimes add multivits and such to the mix). If I go out and get steaming and don't do that, I won't be able to stand up without vomiting the next day usually. Which is a nightmare if I have work or something.

Last time I got so drunk I couldn't intake water because I was too far gone, I had a reel big fish gig the next day, I couldn't do anything during the day, off sick from work etc. couldn't keep food down so the egg and vitamin cure was out. It took me 6 attempts at hair of the dog about 2 oclock before I kept it down, vodka redbull. I then hopped in a car to a gig in birmingham, preceeded to get monumentally drunk again, fell asleep in the car back and literally crawled into my front door I felt so bad. It was messy, I'm not gonna lie. :D

1 pint of water is never enough, maybe it's because i'm a big lad, I dunno.

jesus christ man, i think that the worst hangover i have every read about.

my sympathies are with you
I've only been drunk once, and I was hung over for about two weeks. :o Now when I drink, I just never get drunk and it's great. :D
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