Happy Vaisakhi People!

29 Jun 2004
Vaisakhi is a day celebrated by Sikhs to mark the birth of Khalsa. Vaisakhi actually falls on the 14 of April where the Nishan Sahib, or holy cloth if you like is changed and washed once a year.

Follwing this fetsival soon after (sometimes on the actual day of Vaisakhi but most times a week after Vaisakhi), a Nagar Kirtan (peaceful walk) takes place where Sikhs, or any faith of that matter join and walk singing hyms, doing sewa (giving to the poor, helping other out, good deeds), giving "free" lanagar (food).

Last year in East London I heard a number of around 10,000 people attended the Nagar Kirtan. Nagar Kirtan's happen everywhere in the UK, or the world for that matter!

Happy Vaisakhi people.

If you happen to know a Gurudwara (Sikh temple) near your area, pop in. Speak to someone and join in the Nagar Kirtan. It's good fun and very rewarding, and you don't even need to be Sikh to join! (And I promise, no one will try to convert you no matter your faith!)

Nagar Kirtan
Nishan Sahib
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Happy Vaisakhi :) I always admired that community spirit amongst Sikhs, and the way they sit down for community meals to share lanagar with all. I hope that doesn't sound partronising. As a Buddhist I have great respect for Sikhs, and if we had a Gurudwara nearby I'd be happy to call in and say hello. But we don't lol
Happy 'early' Vaisakhi - had a few family friends around today and will be going to the Gurdwara tomorrow...

If you happen to know a Gurudwara (Sikh temple) near your area, pop in. Speak to someone and join in the Nagar Kirtan. It's good fun and very rewarding, and you don't even need to be Sikh to join! (And I promise, no one will try to convert you no matter your faith!)
Yeah we dont let any riff-raff in our religion ;)

In all seriousness - the more the merrier - its an important event for us, which we would be more than happy to share :D

ps3ud0 :cool:
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happy vaisakhi 2 all
if u live local to birmigham there are 2 nagar keetan that end at handsworths park
1 starts at dasmesh temple in lozells at 10 and the other in smethwich at guru nanak temple also around 10
feel free 2 come along the more the merrier.
any more info i be happy to answer
peace out
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