Harriet Harman. Has The Worm Turned ?

Man of Honour
1 Aug 2004
Politically correct MP and deputy leader of the Labour Party Harriet Harman is in a little hot water after calling Chief Secretary to The Treasury Danny Alexander a ' ginger rodent. ' link


She has since apologised for this.

Could Harriet have turned over a new leaf ? Will she now realise that giving more of a damn against the sexist injustice of Page 3 than of the issues people really care about isn't the way forward ?

Will she now start mouthing off at people in politically incorrect ways ? Will she brand Ed a lisping fool or perhaps Tony Blair a grinning idiot or even Gordon Brown a failed jowelled jock ?

Oh, and before you attack someone based on looks and call anyone else a rodent Harriet .............


Pot. Kettle. Black ?

Thoughts on this astonishing transgression of one so uber PC ?
She was an insufferable cow before, now she is an insufferable cow with bad manners.

Which ever way you cut it, she is still an insufferable cow.
I don't quite understand, the tories have started marginalising their base of support (middle class families) and now labour are trying to **** off their support in Scotland. Are they both daft? Lib Dems and the SNP must be loving it.

Thoughts on this astonishing transgression of one so uber PC ?

Just goes to show how they'll say anything in power other than what they really think. Do as I say, not as I think.
I like when politicians just get blunt and abusive. British politics is so boring. I'd like to see them go mental in the house sometimes, like when they do abroad and start fighting.
I think she is right! Watched the guy on newsnight and it struck me that he couldn't handle paxman very well; was mumbling and tripping over his argument like he couldnt handle a prolonged argument. Wished paxman had gone for the kill as he was definitely weak on his rebuttals of something he was supposedly passionate about.
She’s a silly insulting labour bint who is way past her sell-by date. Thank god they weren’t re-elected.
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