Has my phone battery seen better days?

18 May 2010

My phone's battery seems to be going down very quickly, it used to last really well I would only use 30% in a day but I've just plugged it in as it was on 2%

I've checked app usage in the battery settings but they all single digits

It's a Nokia 6, two and half years old and I've never reset it, is it worth resetting in case it's some kind of software issue?

I don't want to change it yet as I'm waiting for the 6.3 later this year

My old nexus 6P went from decent battery life to terrible battery life in a very short time frame. It was then when I dug around and found the batteries used were rubbish.

How do you charge phone? Plug in overnight or let it drain and charge when needed?

I plug it in overnight, always have with all my phone's and I generally keep them a couple of years or more

Gsam now says the screen off time is using more battery than the screen on time and it's now down to 60% and it's only been unplugged 1 hour 40 mins
You need to enable 'More Stats' but to do that (unless you are rooted) you need to install ADB on your PC and follow the guidance that GSAM gives to enable permissioms.

Thanks, i've wiped it now though, figured it needed doing anyway. Its only just fully charged so I'm keeping an eye on it but it has used 5% in the last 40 minutes or so since it disconnected from the charger.
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