Has your 360 been crashing of late ?

3 Nov 2003
Anyone else eperiancing a few lock ups since the dashboard update.

Mine never used to crash at all, but since updating its happening quite a lot. esecally if i press the quadrant in a game, its weird, music will carry on playing but the game will just not respond.

This happens on various games, very frequently on FN3, when I create my own rrom and go to invite a friend.
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Launch day machine here, still going perfectly :)

There have been reports of the update buggering machines up though, so your not alone.
My first XBox only lasted till just after xmas. I got my 2nd (which was a new one) and it's still going strong.

Actually of late my wife and I (she's into Oblivion and I'm making real inroads into Burnout) have been playing quite a lot and it hasn't crashed or hung at all.

All I can say is ventilation, ventilation, ventiliation. Mine is sat on its own on a glass shelf below below my TV. Check yours has a lot of room to breathe now it's hot hot hot (damn I watch too much cbeebies).
Other than the update it could be the heat??? but mines been playing fine in a roasting hot conservatory, no probs here :confused:
nah, its not the heat. its on a nice glass plasma stand rack with plenty of room and ventalation.

its also my 3rd 360 and its failey new, haddnt crashed once before the update, and iv had it around 2 - 3 months now.

oh well, guess I just got unlucky with the update.
No problems with mine here, after updating. I have been playing King Kong (not exactly taxing the system) for hours these past few days whilst downloading all manner of gubbins from Xbox Live in the background.
Hmm mines been fine too. Mine's an early launch day machine too.

Played a lot of fight night (me fav game) and oivlivoiovin as well as a lot of dvd's without any probs, yet...
I got my 360 at christmas and it's been totally fine til the update. I've noticed a few freeze ups in the dashboard, once when deleting a video, another when i pressed the guide button. seems to do it more when i have my ipod plugged in tho, but i may be wrong.
fine here only real time its locked up was when creating 2nd profile for pgr3. Heat is fine mine is below my desk,not really the best place for it to be for ventilation either.
turtle3 said:
Other than the update it could be the heat??? but mines been playing fine in a roasting hot conservatory, no probs here :confused:

LOL,, after posting that my 360 has froze on me 5 times,, typical :rolleyes: its just this minute done it on GUN,, if it keeps this up ill be RMA'ing again :rolleyes:
never had prob with mine, till the update last night ? I only got onto live on monday night, said i needed to update to get on, thought fine.

then last night again it wanted me to update, again installed it, played FN3 for a coupleof hours and had 2 crashes within about 5 mins just in the lobby area, then restarted for 3rd time played for another hours or so no problems.

played for an hour this morning as well without a hitch, will be keeping an eye on it though.
i have no heat problems

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