Hi All.
Can someone put my mind at ease please.
i bought all the bits two days ago for a new pc as i have not upgraded in years and thought id treat myself.
I originally added this to my basket.
im not much into overcloacking and for 166 quid is was about the price range i wanted to spend.
but as i was browsing through i saw this
20 quid cheaper and as im buying a heat sink for the CPU I didn't really need the retail version.
even though its 20 quid cheaper is it better? being as i have built PC's all my life i should no the answer but i just need my mind put at rest. Is the only difference the fact the 2.4 is retail and cost that little extra and the 2.6 is OEM so cheaper?
Can someone put my mind at ease please.
i bought all the bits two days ago for a new pc as i have not upgraded in years and thought id treat myself.
I originally added this to my basket.
im not much into overcloacking and for 166 quid is was about the price range i wanted to spend.
but as i was browsing through i saw this
20 quid cheaper and as im buying a heat sink for the CPU I didn't really need the retail version.
even though its 20 quid cheaper is it better? being as i have built PC's all my life i should no the answer but i just need my mind put at rest. Is the only difference the fact the 2.4 is retail and cost that little extra and the 2.6 is OEM so cheaper?