Have I got the idea of overclocking right - opty

22 Dec 2002
Hello all

I've got a KN8 Ultra and an opty 144. So far this is what I've done -

Increased core voltage a smidgen
Dropped ram speed to ddr333 and upped the FSB to 310

If I managed to work out this HTT stuff correctly then I need to keep the speed of that link around 2000? So in theory the multiplier for that should be 3x as 4x would be too much?

Cheers for any help :)
These chips run really rather cool when you ramp up the speed don't they? Mine was at 33 degrees! Whats a safe temperature for them?
sure it was just a typo, but yes you need to keep it below 1000, so onceyou go over 250fsb the htt mulitplyer has to switch down to x3.
600 is x3 but only when your front side bus is 200 right? x3 doesn't run it at 600 always.... I'm pretty sure its fsb dependant.
Just curious as to whether running the hyperthreading at less than 1000MHz slow down the system noticeably? Im currently running mine at 810MHz...
I don't get this HTT multiplier thing either? I'm running 4x @ 270HTT, are you saying I should lower it to 3x?
apparently it's best to try get it as close to 1000 as poss, going over can create problems and even corrupt windows boot file i read !
i have mine at 266X3 just now and notice no difference from when i had it on 4X266
then again i have only been overclocking for a few weeks and know next to nothing :D
But 4 x 266 is closer to 1000 than 3 x 266 is.

Edit- This could be why I couldn't get 280HTT stable as it'd be at 1120? I'll try 3x and report back:)
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