Have you ever actually ROFL'd?

22 Jun 2005
This happened a couple of days ago to my brother, he was watching some of Russell peters finest
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r7M9xFI2lZQ&search=Russell peters

and begun laughing at his impression of bollywood movies..
he stood up for some reason while laughing, big mistake, instantly he collapsed and just kept on laughing.

What about you?
Yes I have - cant remember what I was laughing at but I just could not stand up :D:D
Haha, great vid clip!

Only once, last day of a cybercafe I used as a second home, hyped up on low priced sugary sweets and drinks all day. I think I had around 200 of them pink shrimp sweets!


Although it was for a "create a smiley" competiton I entered (and won!) :p
Yes as my mate shouted "look at the ass on that" at a rather large girl wearing some jogging pants which looked like they were being eaten by her bum.

We then realised that her mate was sat next to us giving us evils.

I cried and couldn't move.

Near enough, wasnt enough room to fall out of my chair though when I went to a stand up comedy show. Almost passed out from lack of oxygen :D
Nearly did in X Men III the other day. Sitting there watching when there's a scene with one of the superhero dudes walks across the screen with a humongous TV under his arm and No 2 son asks "What's his super powers then?" I actually cried.
today in fact....

went power kiting down the beach, guy came along who hadnt used it before, and on his first go, he was going around in the air as you do, then swooped down and almost took this old couple out. I was looking at them to make sure they were ok as they look pretty shocked, then i went and checked on him and he was being dragged along the beach on his stomach.

What happened was, to stop him hitting the couple he pulled in the other direction really hard, and he fell to the ground, then the wind caught it and just pulled him along for a good 100 meters, i couldnt stop laughing.
I've had plenty of situations like that, some of them not entirely politically correct. Unfortunately, sometimes you just find something funny whether other people do or not, and it can get you into trouble. :(
Not from the computer, but many a time with mates.. something absolutely hilarious happens, ensue slapped knee and/or falling to floor laughing.. only when on appropriate ground material.. e.g. grass
Today at work actually, when my mate did a cracking impression of one of Lee Evans sketches. I then was thinking about the sketch and as I was sitting on the floor, I just rolled over and lost it.

Later when serving customer I kept thinking of it, and they began to wonder why I just burst into a fit of giggles :D
jamoor said:
This happened a couple of days ago to my brother, he was watching some of Russell peters finest
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r7M9xFI2lZQ&search=Russell peters

and begun laughing at his impression of bollywood movies..
he stood up for some reason while laughing, big mistake, instantly he collapsed and just kept on laughing.

What about you?

I've seen some of his stuff, and my sis' husband has seen him live in the states or somewhere. I thought it was quite funny but a bit to much like Goodness Gracious Me i.e. all the jokes have been done before..

at girlfriends couple o years ago, her old dog was getting annoyed for whatever reason, anyway, her parents left and the dog got its front paws up on the low window sill in their lounge, he tried to get himself further up to see where they were going and the effort he put into shoving himself further up caused him to let let go of an almighty fart. i fell off the couch laughing, the dog gave itself a fright.
Her ma and pa came back in to see what all the noise was to find me crying wi laughter on the floor, Sandy( the dog ) stood over my head barking his head off at me for laughing at him.
rmuir said:

at girlfriends couple o years ago, her old dog was getting annoyed for whatever reason, anyway, her parents left and the dog got its front paws up on the low window sill in their lounge, he tried to get himself further up to see where they were going and the effort he put into shoving himself further up caused him to let let go of an almighty fart. i fell off the couch laughing, the dog gave itself a fright.
Her ma and pa came back in to see what all the noise was to find me crying wi laughter on the floor, Sandy( the dog ) stood over my head barking his head off at me for laughing at him.

Oh my god Roffles!!
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