HDMI-equipped models still running Zephyr 90-nm chips

1 Sep 2006
Didn't see anything here about this before so here we go from IGN:

So thats different cooling and HDMI ports but still old chips (90-nm) not such a great deal so far it seems.

And from here you can see how the packaging is marked to let you know what your getting in the box, including the chip name so perhaps we will get some choice when the new chips eventually roll out.


All in all a bit of a let down so far, anyone found pics on the new innards yet?
Its a well known fact that HDMI enabled 360's won't have the .65nm chips until much later on. I spoke about it on Xboxic too. I certainly won't be rushing out to get an 'elite' let alone a HDMI enabled 360 once they arrive.
InwardSinging said:
VGA will still produce a better picture than hdmi.

er? hdmi is digital, the same video data signals go over it as in dvi. It also has audio data.

If you think vga will give a better picture than hdmi then you must think vga link gives a better picture than a dvi-d (or the digital part of the dvi-i) link?

I would think that the encoding of the video signals, be it rgb/component/whatever to go over hdmi would give a way better image than an analogue vga cable that is susceptible to interference etc, even if it is lower bpp. When I last tried vga cables on lcd flat panels it looks way nasty when compared to dvi.

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InwardSinging said:
Think he means the non elite versions.

VGA will still produce a better picture than hdmi.

Im not expert but Im pretty sure HDMI will give a better picture, not outstanding but still better :confused:
Larnica said:
Im not expert but Im pretty sure HDMI will give a better picture, not outstanding but still better :confused:

Americans have reported that the VGA gives a better picture than HDMI. The only real benefit of getting a HDMI equipped one is if your component or VGA will not do 1080p but hdmi will (as is the case with a few tv's).
I could never tell the difference between DVI and VGA. It depends on your monitor/tv i think, some screens have very good VGA ports others don't. Samsung monitors i think are renowned for having very good quality VGA ports. In the end if there is a difference between VGA and HDMI (IQ wise) i think it will be miniscule and depending on your display.
HDMI/DVI will probably give better picture than VGA and component, however it's probably barely noticeable.

Also remember that Digital > Angloge isn't always the case. Looks at watches! :D
Also remember with hdmi, it will either work at 100%, or be totally borked, not somewhere in-between. You will not get get an ok-ish image. You'll get one with perfect picture quality or one with pixel loss/corruption.

With vga, you'll get anything from perfect to an ok-ish or worse image.

At least I think so ;)

InwardSinging said:
Americans have reported that the VGA gives a better picture than HDMI. The only real benefit of getting a HDMI equipped one is if your component or VGA will not do 1080p but hdmi will (as is the case with a few tv's).

Is there still VGA connection on the elite or just HDMI?
I would expect the HDMI premiums here in the UK once the Elite ships but I'm just speculating.

All your getting with the Elite is a black console that doesn't look as nice as the white and a larger overpriced hard drive that's no use unless your wanting to download movies.
Not this again..

The difference between HDMI and VGA is barely noticable, HDMI is not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy.
why does this even matter ?

its not like its important like with a pc cpu

i wouldnt let it make my decide between buying a console or not anyway
andy said:
why does this even matter ?

its not like its important like with a pc cpu

i wouldnt let it make my decide between buying a console or not anyway
It means everything to the 360. Infact it's more important then some pesky HDMI addition. Heat and a poor cooling design has plagued the 360 from the start. A cooler running cpu/gpu will be brilliant for MS because it makes their design flaw less apparent.
IMO VGA looks loads better than HDMI becuase I can run my 360 at my TVs native resolution of 1360x768 where was HDMI only allows me to run at 720p.
As said in the thread already, VGA cannot possibly provide a better picture than HDMI.

HDMI works digitally, So the signal sent and recieved is ALWAYS identical and how it should be percieved, If your TV is incapable of HDMI or certain resolutions thats a different story completely.

VGA even if its the most expensive cable in the universe will have attenutation, even if its 0.001.

Yes the difference is negligable, But it's still true that HDMI is the most perfect video interface when usable.
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