Head of E.A Origin says "Steam sales are bad" & wants Origin to be the hub for gamers

Unlike Origin, Steam actually provides a decent alternative to buying from retailers. Origin costs the same if not more and the whole service is a hassle compared.

Steam has been around for coming up to a decade, they are doing something right. That something right is right by me, EA won't be getting a penny from me.

BF3 sacrifice or not.

I think i have officially given up on their developers completely, probably should have done it sooner, but after Biowares downfall, i can no longer support this destructive company in any way.
you obviously had the origin program wide open on your desktop for it to be using so much memory.

with origin and steam both minimised to the taskbar i get

and the guy is right "deep discount" sales on steam do cheapen intelectual property because loads of people will wait for a game to be on one of those sales before buying it when otherwise they would have bought it full price.

Not mine.

Origin 96,020k steam 20,200k both with origin and steam both minimised to the taskbar.
and the guy is right "deep discount" sales on steam do cheapen intelectual property because loads of people will wait for a game to be on one of those sales before buying it when otherwise they would have bought it full price.

Sure, when the original price set by publishers is never even close to being competitive.
and the guy is right "deep discount" sales on steam do cheapen intelectual property because loads of people will wait for a game to be on one of those sales before buying it when otherwise they would have bought it full price.

But does this mean E.A are against such sales? Mmm, now I see where they are going...

No retail sector.


I think you have to factor that these are not "lost sales".

The heavy discounts do not come MOSTLY until after the "golden time" of a games release.

Those who want it, already have it.

Sure, keep it on the "shelf" by all means at £35 but do not expect to sell that many.

Me buying "Game X" for £4 does not cheapen it for me. It means I get to play a game I would not otherwise have purchased anyway.
Sure, when the original price set by publishers is never even close to being competitive.

That is the key to all this.

Some people think Valve have a monopoly, they only publish their own stuff which we all know, they do not do that often :p


Lets take E.A/Origin.

They want to develop/publish/distribute all through themselves.... THAT ladies and gentleman is a monopoly and looking at the amount of content E.A publish on a yearly basis, that is a HUGE monopoly.

This is going to be even more of a battleground when the next gen consoles hit.
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I like that guys statement on how to deal with ageing products :D he's knocking steams approach of doing x% discount while saying there are other options.

Other options for EA being charging £40 for DLC, maybe a couple of maps, some new guns etc.
Me buying "Game X" for £4 does not cheapen it for me. It means I get to play a game I would not otherwise have purchased anyway.


In fact I would go as far to say now that pre orders and day one purchases are a thing of the past for me.

Far too many times I have had a game on release day to find that it needs at least 2 patches before it works properly.

The only game I'd consider pre ordering now would be Half Life 2 EP3/ Half Life 3.
To be fair perhaps he has a point and that the "extreme" sales are unsustainable.

However like people point out, in some cases it isn't a lost sale because you would not have paid £40 for the game in the first place. It's almost as if he doesn't realise that over time things do lose their value, DVDs and Blu Rays are probably another good example of this.

I bought Batman: Arkham Asylum GOTY for £3.40 in a Steam sale, it was very much an impulse buy, but after playing I realised I would have been happy to pay £10 for it. I certainly wouldn't have paid £40 for it though.
you obviously had the origin program wide open on your desktop for it to be using so much memory.

with origin and steam both minimised to the taskbar i get

That's after just launching opening each client to the library page. Steam with several hundred games to check, origin four.

Also I'll just leave this here... Seems like effort to retype the whole Steam/Origin bloatware non-argument.

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Hate EA with a passion.
Physically depresses me with how much power the company has, nothing will change because the majority of people continue to line their pockets, with them having such a wide grasp there is still some decent games that come out which are in one way or another linked to EA (Though those games were Mass Effect 1/2, Mirrors Edge, Crysis Warhead/Crysis etc which are pretty old, and Mass Effect 2 was inferior to its predecessor imo)

EDIT : Also, everything in that article is a lie pretty much, guy's talking pretty much ****.
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Unlike Origin, Steam actually provides a decent alternative to buying from retailers. Origin costs the same if not more and the whole service is a hassle compared.

not really, steam is always super expensive compared to other online retailers. price check maxpayne 3 on steam and ocuk for instance
not really, steam is always super expensive compared to other online retailers. price check maxpayne 3 on steam and ocuk for instance

That I can agree on, I only really buy directly from Steam on sales/deals.
Chaos Rising for example was much cheaper at retail (Despite being a Steamworks game) than the steam digital copy, the retail copy would have more overheads.
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