Head rush on threadmill

17 Mar 2004
Just had an experience of dizziness on the treadmill. 20 mins into my 30min workout I stepped onto the side and immediately got head rush. Next minute i'm on the floor with some guy mashing the emergency stop button.

I think I may have blacked out, but now feel fine eaten something (did not eat before I went)

Anyone else experienced this before, like when you get off the sofa too quick feeling.

Got some nice carpet burns for my effort too! :p

Lesson here is ensure I eat before I workout?!? I usually go Sunday mornings minus breakfast no problems, but something must have triggered something this morning?
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Sounds pretty bad, how hard were you pushing yourself?
Pre and Post Workout nutrition is a must.
Low blood sugar I'm guessing. Get some carbs/protein in before doing cardio like that. I never go running without having some form of carbs.. and if I do, i never push myself too hard because its not smart training intensely on an empty stomach.
Got a blood pressure tester and I have just got 128/80 61bpm.

I think I'll live. Will eat before exercise next time! Just odd how it affected me today.

I'm pretty much t-total last drink i had was last weekend (1 stubby)

Breath....... :D
Surely you weigh to little?

I think this might be the case, I think I am shorter than him just by a couple of inches and I weigh 10 st 2 or something - and I am still skinny by any rate.

It sounds like your blood sugar was low - think you just didn't eat enough before, just as everyone has been saying in this thread.

Yeah, i'd suggest food. May be you are just on the edge normally but this time for some reason your blood sugar level was just too low.

Surely you weigh to little?

Sounds about right to me.:confused:

(slap bang in the middle BMI wise it seems FWIW)
Ouch sounds painful after seeing treadmill burns on people before :o. As for pre-workout nutrition being a must I and a lot of others have done fasted cardio (Well not fasted, but upon waking without eating beforehand). Although maybe this requires a good diet overall to do :s
Def most probably down to low sugar, take some lucozade sport while you're running also :), should help.
12kph I'm 5'8 9.10 stone. End up doing 6k's in 1/2 hour 3 times a week.

I'm 5'8 and 10 stone, I run 10km once a week and weights twice a week so I'm quite similar to you. How much water do you drink, I tend to find I drink over a litre during my run ?

Eat your energy foods around 10 minutes before you exercise. When did eat before you started exercising?
100% low blood sugar as others have said. Happened to me one day somewhere in the middle of the French countryside whilst on a solo cycling tour. Woke up at the side of the road, half into a sunflower field. Lesson well and truly learned that day.
If you get light headed put your head down, keeps the blood in your head and will help you not pass out.
Eat your energy foods around 10 minutes before you exercise. When did eat before you started exercising?

I would wait a little longer. 10 minutes isn't really enough time for your food to digest. A banana 10 minutes before exercise is ok, just nothing too heavy or it'll probably come up.

If you get light headed put your head down, keeps the blood in your head and will help you not pass out.

Good adivce. The reason you pass out is because your body is trying to refill your brain with blood, being flat on the ground does this. It takes around 15 seconds for you to regain consciousness.
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