Help! Creating brand new build as we speak...

5 Dec 2006
2 quickies on the motherboard installation stage...

a) The new I/O Shield has little metal tabs that can bend - should these be all the way in and behind the I/O connectors so you can't see them from the outside, or level with the shield so they are visible?

b) The Lian Li V2000 comes with a small metal plate with 8 raised screwable points. The instructions are a bit ambiguous.... do I put the copper standoffs into the case first, then put this small plate on top of these standoffs and then the mobo on top of the small plate? But wouldn't it not reach the standoffs that I'd first put it in the case? (as this small plate would raise the MOBO higher)?

Just a bit confused about what is taking a standoff, a screw and where the metal plate fits into the equation, as most instructions don't include the "middle man" plate scenario and you put the MOBO straight onto the standoffs....

Cheers.... I'll have a soup while I wait for someone to reply who knows what they're doing!
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