Help identifying name of car part

26 Apr 2013
I've got a 2002 Ford Focus and I'm trying to find the exact name of the front window seal, I've been searching all sorts but haven't found what I'm after yet!

My door speaker stopped working, I found that the cables in the door were wet, I dried them out and it worked fine. The seal looks a bit past it, so I reckon that's where the water is getting in. Here's a pic to show which part I mean.

Not sure if it's the correct part, but I think it's called a weather strip / seal
Can't quite tell if this is the window or door seal. I assume window as it says it's that, plus the door seal would come as 1 long piece.

That's the interior one for a MK2, an exterior weather strip is needed. Sometimes called a door belt as well. They are sided so be careful.
Thank you both, I just had a look for mk1 exterior weather strips but I'm not having much luck. I guess I might have to get one from a scrap yard or something.
Ford bin parts for cars that have been discontinued 10+ years, MK1 Focus caesed production in 2004 so everything would have been moved out of stock in 2014.
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