Help me clear a music association

26 May 2009
So I've got an issue that's been going on for a few days. I've got a song stuck in my head, which isn't normally a bad thing - I get the odd track, or sometimes two or three at a time, playing in my head nigh-on constantly for any length of time. I had On My Shoulders by The Do stuck in my head for nearly two months, and never got sick of it - I quite like the fact that most of my day is accompanied by music that my brain clearly thinks is awesome.

Now, on to the problem. I'm also prone to associating music with things - games, films, conversations, travel routes, you name it. The song I've got stuck in my head right now is Feist's cover of Inside and Out, linked below. I love the track, but I only stumbled across it because it was on the background of a... well, a young woman's testing of a new webcam in a room that was extremely warm, judging by the rate at which she shed clothes. Now, thanks to the association, every time the song plays in my head, I get snatches of the video playing along side it, with ramifications that are making my work days somewhat uncomfortable to get through.

So, just wondering if anyone's got any tips on how to clear or overwrite an association. I tried playing the song on repeat to a game yesterday - about 5 hours on Mount & Blade with that one song looping over and over. Now Mount & Blade brings that video to mind, and I keep losing the aim on my lance charges. Any tips?


Just try thinking of what you want to associate it with, but then make a video of some sort with the video of the association and the song as a backing track. Just an idea. Hope something works.
Haven't you heard? It was my understand that everyone had heard....

A-well-a everybody's heard about the bird
B-b-b-bird, bird, bird, b-bird's the word
A-well-a bird, bird, bird, the bird is the word
A-well-a bird, bird, bird, well the bird is the word
A-well-a bird, bird, bird, b-bird's the word
A-well-a bird, bird, bird, well the bird is the word
A-well-a bird, bird, b-bird's the word
A-well-a bird, bird, bird, b-bird's the word
A-well-a bird, bird, bird, well the bird is the word
A-well-a bird, bird, b-bird's the word
A-well-a don't you know about the bird?
Well, everybody knows that the bird is the word!
A-well-a bird, bird, b-bird's the word

Surfin' bird
Bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb... [retching noises]... aaah!


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