Help Me with my housing problem

22 Oct 2004
Afternoon all, due to some rather bad luck me and my friends have got in a spot of housing related bother - so i'll lay out the tale and then let the oracle speak... :)

In January we signed a Joint tennancy aggreement on a house in Birmingham, the move in date is set for the first of July, we paid £360 each for the deposite (£1800)
3 weeks ago 3 of girls I was meant to be living with said they didnt want to live with us anymore and so we decided to termanate the tenancy agreement - we know we're cutting it fine - but we can't find 3 replacement housemates on such short notice. Our land lord was understandably miffed (perfectly reasonably IMO) and has told us that we will have to still pay until the house becomes occupied by replacement tennants. My question is;
Do we really - can't we just ditch him with the deposites and tell him its his problem? (I know its morrally wrong but my housemates may not be able to pay - and I'm willing to pay no more than my own share)

Yesterday he rang and told us if we all gave him £316 quid (£1580 total) and allowed him to keep the deposites he'd release us from the contract.

We are seeking advice from other sources before you all shout at me to do so - just wondered what the collective thought?
Personally? I'd tell him to get bent.

Legally? I'm sure you would have to pay. As would the 3 girls who don't want to live with you. (providing they signed the contract too)
Just leg it. It'll probably cost him more to try and find you.

Oh and a mahoosive bag of prawns inside curtain rails and under floorboards always goes down well in this weather. :eek::D:D
You've signed the contract, landlords do this so that they don't get messed around by tennants and lose money. I understand that it's not your fault that the other people involved have done a bunk, but you are all jointly liable under the tennancy.
Not trying to be funny but what does it say on the agreement about terminating?

If you dont have a signed agreement then you can just go and he will keep the deposits. If you do have signed agreement you are obliged to adhere to it. It will have a section that will describe your obligations if you decide to terminate the agreement early, much like you would for a loan and such. The 3 girls who dont want to live there anymore will be signed on it and as such are legally responsible for any monies owed and he can go after them through the courts. DO they know this?

TBH the offer he has made seems pretty fair to me... he will just about get enough money to cover himself untill he can find some others to rent the property. He wont be making anything on it and you will be let out of paying for a year.

My advice is to let these 3 girls know that he will be chasing them and will in all likelyhood be taking them to court for non payment. When you signed did he want a gaurantor? ie parents etc ( im assuming you are students) because he will be chasing them for the money if you dont come to a fast agreement.
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If I were you I would feel like slapping those people who decided not to live with you even after signing the contract. Tell him those 3 girls are not willing to pay - give him their details and let him sue them - they'll get scared and pay it in the end.
Sorry if my reply is useless.

But it should be down to the girls who are leaving. They should be concerned.

At the moment we're looking at getting a house of 3. We made an agreement that if anyone leaves, they'd have to pay for their absence (until somebody else moves in) and contract alterations.
AthlonTom said:
...... and I'm willing to pay no more than my own share)
You do know that with a joint tenancy, each of you is fully liable for ALL the rent, don't you?

If it comes to a court case, and you have the funds and the others don't, you are fully liable for yours and the shares of the others. You all are. It's called joint and several liabilty, and is inherent in a joint tenancy.

The landlord's offer looks like quite a good one to me.
ballistic said:
If I were you I would feel like slapping those people who decided not to live with you even after signing the contract. Tell him those 3 girls are not willing to pay - give him their details and let him sue them - they'll get scared and pay it in the end.
That sounds like the perfect plan to me, stick with that and all will be fine :)
I've been messed around by landlords enough times to not lose sleep over this - you pay the deposit as its there to be lost in situations like this.
Haven't you got technically got until 1st August to find 3 other tenants? The landlord can use the 3 girls deposits as their 'rent' and you two can move in and try and fill the other rooms.

Just an option if you haven't already considered it :)
Rich_L said:
Haven't you got technically got until 1st August to find 3 other tenants? The landlord can use the 3 girls deposits as their 'rent' and you two can move in and try and fill the other rooms.

Just an option if you haven't already considered it :)

3 housemates is a lot tho, the girls who signed the contract are technically bound to it for 12 months. Let the landlord deal with them, tell them it was not your decision so if he thinks your covereing tell him to get bent.

He is then breaking the contract agreement and you can end it.

Thanks for all the replies guys - ive been out so Ive not been able to check on the thread till now.

The girls do know its their fault that were loosing the house and thats its their fault were all going to be £600 out of pocket, this is bothereing them big time - but it makes more sense for me and the guy who didn't drop out to loose £600 rather than be liable for the £20,280 rent for the year, as I know the girls don't have the cash or any assets where as I do (I already own a house - its just on the other side of the country.)

The tenancy agreement does stipulate that we are responsible for making up the rent and finding replacement housemates should anyone drop out. Sounds like its time to just hand over the cash!

Thanks for the help though
KaHn said:
3 housemates is a lot tho, the girls who signed the contract are technically bound to it for 12 months. Let the landlord deal with them, tell them it was not your decision so if he thinks your covereing tell him to get bent.

He is then breaking the contract agreement and you can end it.


Its not as simple as that, see the other post further up. Joint tenancies are a nightmare for a renter and in my opinion should be avoided at all costs. Everyone on the tenancy is jointly liable and will be involved if it goes to court. If you have the assests then they can be taken from you regardless of if you arent the one who isnt paying.

I am no solicitor just a layman, if I was you I'd get myself a solicitor ASAP, maybe a solicitors letter to the girls will remind them of there obligation?
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