help my girlfriends net troubles

11 Jan 2005
Well, I got this email from her:

the prob with the internet is that some web pages load, but most don't. says internet is connected. pinged websites that dont load but get a full response. can you googe it for me? same is happening on downstairs comp

Initial though was reboot the router, but its the same after apparently. I'm stumped, never heared of this before. Any ideas?
what ISP is it on? When she pings is she pinging the domain name or the IP address. Could be DNS timeouts at the ISP DNS, seen it happen sometimes.
I'm really not sure what isp it is. Possibly orange, sure its orange actually.

They reallly need to get a better isp, its always down too.
Shes pinging the domain afaik. She can use skype and a few websites, which is odd. Also its the same throughout her house (wifi) so indicates ISP being turd as per usual.
Try setting her DNS servers to use OpenDNS.

This is just a guess that the issue is DNS, really, you need to investigate far more... If changing DNS doesn't work, start by checking if the router is dropping the connection.
looks like it was the router. They stuck a crappy ooooold one in and its working fine :/

Gah their network/internet is a shambles!
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