Help needed with getting cloudNAS working (QNAP Turbo NAS TS-110 & ASUS RT-N56U related)

11 Oct 2006
Hi guys!

I am having a 'super fun' of a time trying to get my online storage working with my newly purchased QNAP NAS device.

I have the following:

Draytek Vigor 120 Modem (
My computer (
QNAP TS-110 (

I gather that I have to open ports to get it to work. Here is what I have done:




Can anybody shed any light on why I cant gain access remotely to my files?

Many thanks!

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Did UPnP add the Virtual Server entries automatically?

I would disable all signs of uPnP on the router and NAS then forward ports manually.
Thanks for the reply fluff.

Unfortunately still no deal even with uPnP disabled and manual entries in Virtual Server.

Did I choose the right IP address in the Virtual Server page? (ie. my NAS which is

When I went to their guide said to put my computer's local IP in there? That confused me somewhat as surely I want to be forwarding ports to the NAS not my computer?!

Cheers for the help.

Must be ports then as none worked.

However, surely is again just checking that the ports are open on the local computer which I use to browse the site?

Or is it a blanket thing that affects all on my network?
You have your Modem and router set up wrong. Your modem shouldn't be on the same IP as your Router.

Eg, My modem has an address of and my router

You need to set your router into Bridged mode and then plug it into the WAN port on your router, then set your internet settings to DHCP in your router. Your router should then obtain an External IP address for the WAN port

Can you screen shot the Internet Settings tab from your router?
You have your Modem and router set up wrong. Your modem shouldn't be on the same IP as your Router.

Eg, My modem has an address of and my router

You need to set your router into Bridged mode and then plug it into the WAN port on your router, then set your internet settings to DHCP in your router. Your router should then obtain an External IP address for the WAN port

Can you screen shot the Internet Settings tab from your router?

I can't make sense of what you've written Ryan although I appreciate the post!

The modem and router have different IPs...

Could you clarify what you mean for me man?

Fluff, I have a static IP from my broadband provider (Be*). I'm not sure I'm entirely comfortable giving it out!!!

Don't mind PMing it though?
Sorry, didnt mean to confuse you :P My explanation of things isnt that clear.

Can you screenshot the Internet Settings bit of your router please?
Notice uPnP is disabled in my router...I have also disabled the QNAP's auto-router config (uPnP based) in favour of manually opening the ports under the 'virtual server' tab in my RT-N56Us page.

Just an FYI lol!
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