Help please with getting Farcry 64bit working on vista 64bit/8800gtx

27 Nov 2005
Can anyone help me with getting farcry 64bit working on vista 64bit/8800gtx please...

I have installed these items in the following order

(1) Farcry retail DVD..
(2) far_cry_v1.4_cumulative.exe (v1.0 to v1.4 patch)
(3) farcry_amd64upgrade_us_uk
(4) farcry_amd64_ecu.exe (Exclusive Content for Far Cry)

But all the in games textures are very messed up.. :(
Ive done exactly as the OP has done and it works perfectly in Vista64bit. Ignore the amd only bit and ignore thexp only bit.
The only difference i probably have to you is, i installed it on a seperate hard drive to my OS.
Down1oader said:
Ive done exactly as the OP has done and it works perfectly in Vista64bit. Ignore the amd only bit and ignore thexp only bit.
The only difference i probably have to you is, i installed it on a seperate hard drive to my OS.
Which drivers where you using for your 8800gtx ??
because vista wasnt out when the game was made, the game is actually 32bit, it is only upgraded to 64bit through a patch. If the game was originally 64bit it would probably go in the normal program files folder.

Oh sorry i realised what you meant :p all 32bit programs go in the x86 folder
64bit programs go in the normal programs folder in vista
modo77 said:
It works fine on Vista.

I just installed farcry patched to the latest version 1.4, then did the amd 64 patch followed by the extra content one.

AndyOcUK said:
Its only for Win XP 64 Mate....End Of. That seems to be the general consensus on here:


Whoa. Whoa, Whoa sweet child 'o mine..... BIG EDIT HERE!!!!!!!!!!

As soon as I posted last night, I remembered I'd banged the 1.4 patch in a few days ago and thought I'd try again....Guess what... WORKS PERFECTLY :)

Put the AMD 64 patch on no probs.

Running Vista 64 Home Premium - Hardware In Sig ;)

Anyone got a link for this "Extra Content Pack/ Patch"?

***EDIT*** Found it. Anyone any details on what extras it offers?
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