Help with alittle insurance question please

22 Jul 2004
Up north in Sunderland
Hi there people..

quick question about insurance.

Me and my mates are organizing alittle trip to altontowers alittle later on in the summer... me and the gf will be taking her car as mines not too nice to drive really lol.. and its a fair way so could do with sharing the driving.

anyway.. i need to be insured for the day on her car.. its a mk3 clio 1.2 16v but is pretty much brand new (8 weeks or so)

i looked at day insure and you have to have been driving over a year.. which i aint just yet :( only 8 months.. so cant use that.

what other options do i have? :)

im insured with NUD on my car fully comp (but cant drive other cars TP) and ill be 22 when we go if that helps :)

help me you knowledgeable people :D

thanking you
merlin said:
Just get yourself added onto her policy for the day.

just a case of calling up her insurance then. :)

Any ideas on how much i could be looking at paying? :)
oh ok.. so for the week im looking at £20-£40? or is that per day? hope not like lol :p
richolmes72 said:

Edit: Just re-read the post and saw its no good.

Cheapest way is to add yourself on the insurance. Cost me £40 to get insured on my GF's old corsa for 10 days. But i had a fairly recent claim at that point.

If the car's worth less than yours, you might be able to add it onto your own insurance. Not too sure about that, only did it once to drive an old 205.

yeah her cars probs worth about £5k-£6k more than mine lol..

ill get onto her about calling her insurance and getting me added for the period i need :)

thanks for the input guys :D much appriciated :cool:
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