Hit a deer at 40 mph driving to work.

22 Mar 2009
Georgia, USA
Driving in to work last night about 9:40 pm and the next thing I know there's a huge deer running across the road about 10 feet in front of me. I just had time to hot the breaks and swerve then I hit it. Luckly I hit its rear end otherwise it would have probably been through the windscreen. Bonnet and wing are all smashed on the right side and the head lights smashed. Couldn't see the deer on the road or the verge when I stopped.
I'll see if there's anything in the field when I drive home in the morning.

We get moose around here too, I can only imagine what carnage one of those would cause. I'll post some pics tomorrow.
Rules here are that you cant take home roadkill which is yours but you're allowed to take someone elses.

Whatabout over there?

Thats why you pull over, wait a few mins, turn round, then throw it in the back lol.

Like he said, he may need a truck, works fine for Rabbits over in England
I antler normally one to post in these threads, but I lost a deer friend of mine in a similar accident, so your car has my condoelences.
Someone at work hit a deer last month in her Audi Q7 whilst on the motorway doing 70mph!

Her husband was driving and the deer sprinted across 3 lanes of traffic and he had no time to brake and hit it pretty much straight on. The deer then "flew".

It caused much damage that her door wouldn't open, and it actually cracked the engine block. She said the the emergency services told her that she was lucky to be in such a big car or else it would have gone through ye windscreen and killed them both.

The other thing was that the cars behind them slammed on the brakes and caused a few rear end shunt accidents.
I bet it said "oh dear what a lucky escape" and I'll bet you a buck that it won't be in the field today.
I hit a seagul this morning! Went smack into side of windscreen! No damage to car but dead bird!
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